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THEY WERE SIMPLY LOUNGING AROUND when rumbling in the maze could be heard

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THEY WERE SIMPLY LOUNGING AROUND when rumbling in the maze could be heard. Sinister screeching and mechanical whirring as gladers grouped near the door. They waited on edge for what felt like hours as Thomas and Minho stepped through the puddle at the entrance of the maze.

"What the bloody hell is going on out there?" Newt asks, looking at the two.

Thomas breathed out shakily, "I think we found the way out." He says, him and Minho walking, presumably to the map room.

"What? what do you mean?" Atlas asks, attempting to keep pace with them.

"We found where the grievers go during the daytime. We think that could be our way out." Minho says, as Chuck hurries along to get Thomas's attention.

"Wait, you're saying you found the grievers home? And you want us to go inside of it?" Chuck asks incredulously.

"Hey, their way in can be our way out." He says.

"Or, there could be a dozen grievers waiting on the other side. Point is, Thomas doesn't know what he's talking about, as usual." Gally says. Thomas suddenly turns around getting up in his face.

"Yeah well at least i'm doing something." He seethes. Atlas shares a look with Newt that conceives the tone 'are they for real right now?'

"Hey, news flash greenie, you've been here three days, okay? i've been here three years." Gally says, pointing at Thomas a sinister look on his face.

"Yeah you've been here three years and you're still here! At least i'm going out and trying to do something about it!"

"You doing something about it is gonna get us all killed!"

A small 'hey!' could be heard from Teresa as she tried to get the groups attention, while Thomas and Gally kept trying to go for each others throats.

"Hey!" she yells, finally as everyone's heads snaps towards her.

"It's Alby." She says.

"He's awake."


Approaching Alby, huddled, shivering, and silent on the bed as Thomas gets closer.

"Hey Alby, we think we found the way out. You hear me? We can get everyone out." Thomas says softly. There's a beat of silence on Albys part,before he opens his mouth to mutter

"You cant. We can't." He says, as Thomas looks at him. "After what I saw...."

"What did you see?" Thomas asks, as Albys looks at him.

"You. and Teresa. And Atlas." and then Atlas jerks back like he's been burned.

"You. You're one of them. You were always their favorite, Thomas. But there's no point now—the outside world..." Albyvtrails off as there's commotion outside the infirmary. Teresa looks at the group before rushing outside, everyone following behind.

"What's going on?" Newt asks, as someone dashes by them. "The door isn't closing!"

They all look to the south wall, noticing the absence of the closed doors, even as the sun slipped beneath the walls and the light outside dimmed.

"Newt?" Atlas says, putting his hand on his shoulder. Then there was an awful creaking noise, like something being in use after it's sat rusting and dirtied. the mechanical creaming sounded throughout the glade—

as every other walk began to open.

"Chuck! Go to the Council house, and start barricading the doors!" Thomas says.

"Winston, you too." Newt says. Atlas nods.

"Mo, go with them." Atlas says, pushing him slightly towards them.

"Atlas, go with them." Newt says.

"What? No."

"Yes, you're injured." Newt hisses.

"I don't care—"

"Go." Minho says, as he huffs and turns around, walking with the other three. Suddenly, there's yelling all around them.

"Grievers! Their here!" Atlas's eyes widen.

"Go! Cmon!" He says, tugging Mo as Chuck and Winston run behind them.

As they enter Council Hall, he sees Kennedy already in there, stacking up crates and boxes against the open windows.

"Hey! Come help me with this." He says, as Winston and Atlas rush over to help begin stacking crates on top of them.

Behind them, the group rushes in.

"Cmon! Cmon!" Thomas says. They all quiet down as they crowd into the back corner. The mechanical whirring of the drivers can be heard outside, as shushing rings out around them.

Suddenly, a griever bursts through the ceiling, it's claw winds down and grasps for the back of Chucks shirt, as they all grab him.

"Don't let go!" Thomas says, as they use their combined strength. Alby rushes forward with a thick pipe and begins to bash against a it's arm. Eventually, the arm gets weakened and it retreats.

"Chuck, you good?" Atlas asks, and he nods. It's silent for a few moments, until the claw returns—and this time it grabs Alby.

"No!" Atlas says, rushing forward to grab him. Alby looks at Thomas, and he seems all too peaceful with the situation before them.

"Get them out." He says, and then he's gone.

It's silent for a while around them as the fire consumes the glade. It's silent outside too, and they all pile out the door to gather.

"Who's that?" Someone asks as a figure approaches the group.

It's gally, and he looks pushed off as he approaches them.

"Gally—" With a sharp left hook, he smashes Thomas in the nose, making him double over in pain.

"Gally! Woah!" Atlas says, as the others attempt to restrain him.

"It's all his fault! It's all his fault!" He says, and everything gets muddled together as Atlas looks at Thomas.

He mutters something to Teresa, before he grabs the needle from Chuck.

He looks up at them—and then, he strikes himself in the thigh.

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