ch.1 Metkayina clan

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If past me ever heard of the idea of flying across the ocean to go live in a another clan completely different from ours, I would've laughed and found it absolutely absurd because that would never happen to us. It doesn't seem so funny anymore when I struggle to stay awake on my ikran for fear I'll fall off into the ocean below us.

It's been 2 or maybe 3 days of flying across the vast sea, to our 'new home' with a clan father called the Metkayina. Father said home is where ever our family is but I still can't except living anywhere but the forest, I grew up there, for 15 years I've swung through trees and connected with the animals and now we're leaving that all behind.

I start daydreaming of what our new home may look like, obviously near water and probably has docks to jump off of, maybe some tiny islands. I wonder what the actual houses may look like maybe little cabins far back from the water or maybe they live in caves and coves attached to the water.

My thoughts are interrupted when dad flys down closer to the water and everyone follows an I finally see why. We are almost there I can see the village, not very well but it's visible. I study our new home admiring that I was infact wrong about the houses, they where triangular huts built into trees and there was net walkway connecting all the houses, how creative.

We land our ikrans and quickly a crowd forms around us, the Metkayina people are a light greenish blue color and most of them have their hair down but tied back and they have some shade of blue for eyes, so different then us it's interesting. They make me nervous being surrounded by a bunch of unknown beings.

We stand in the middle of the crowd everyone making sure to stay a distance away from us. The crowd opens up and a boy emerges with another younger boy behind him, he looks about 15 and he's a bit taller than me the boy behind him looks about 13-14 maybe kinda hard to tell with height and features. The older boy was staring right at us with a serious face, he sure can hold hard eye contact.

He walked around us and kept looking at us eventually making eye contact with me, it felt like it last forever but it was probably only about 3 seconds, his eye contact is intimidating. I look away first turning to my brothers who were still looking forward, ignoring the boy. I felt some one grab my tail and run their hand down it "look! You can that a tail, it's so small how do you swim?" I look and see the same boy I made eye contact with, other boys from behind him laughed at his comment, though I didn't think it was funny. I glared at him and he smirked back at me but I decided to ignore him and turned away.

"Aww don't give me the silent treatment." He cooed walking closer to me and leaning over a bit "I was just trying to have some fun." He said basically right in my ear so I turned around and backed away, what was his problem and why was he so close. "Can you just leave me alone?" I ask him in my sternest voice hoping it'll make him leave.

He raises his hands looking down at me "alright, alright have it your way." He says walking away the little boy behind him smirking at me as he past, I scoffed at their behavior. I walk up closer to my brother to try and here what the chief and my dad is discussing. "What are they saying?" I whisper to Neteyam" they are deciding on whether we get to stay or not.

I watch Lo'aks head turn toward the water, I follow his gaze seeing a very pretty girl walking out of the water, she has long black hair that's braided at the top and loose at the ends she has blue green eyes and blue green skin, I see Lo'ak staring and hold back my laughter. I can't believe he already has a crush we just got here.

Just then the crowd parted again and a beautiful woman comes out of the crowd and walks up to the chief, and says some stuff to my dad and then starts circling me and my siblings. She grabs kiris tail for a second and then grabs Lo'aks hand and raises it up "they are not even real Na'vi! They have demon blood!" She yells getting he attention of everyone. Lo'ak looks down in shame and I feel bad for him and quite mad at the lady. I walk up to them and snatch Lo'aks hand out of her grasp, what right does she have to try and publicly shame my little brother just for the way his hands look.

She looks at me and glares, she looks like she's about to say something but then my dad jumps in and puts his hand up to her "look I have demon blood too, see four fingers." He says drawing her attention away from us. "But I adapted, we can adapt please we can learn your ways." He please looking back at the chief. The chief and the lady stand next to each other looking at him the lady clearly judging us, "Ukturu has been asked." Your mother scowls clearly fed up with them

The chief turns away from my parents looking down at the women and I assume they are talking somehow. He eventually turns around and looks at all of us "toruk mackto and his family can stay." He announced I can hear my father's sigh of relief. "They will be like babies, teach them our ways so the do not suffer the shame of being useless." He really has no censor over his words but it is true. "My son Aonung and my daughter Tsireya will teach your kids our ways." Oh great at least I learned the name of the boy who was picking on me, hopefully his sister is nicer. "Father why do I have-" Aonung tried to protest to his father. "It is decided." And they said nothing else, it was kinda funny to see him be shut down so quickly.

After that Tsireya walked infront of us and said "come on I will show you our village." And we all followed after her, Aonung trailing behind us all. We arrive at one of the houses and Tsireya set some stuff down inside "this will be your new home." She said cheerfully "yeah this will work, this is nice right." Your dad said looking at all of you and your siblings. Your mother stepped in and dropped a carpet and just looked around, you could tell she missed home.

Tsireya and Aonung left and let us settle in which we tried our best to do. "Alright Sully's huddle in family meeting." Your dad said looking at all of you and sitting down next to your mother. You watched Neteyam grab Lo'ak and pull him ovet to the family circle. "Look guys this is our home now and I need you all to be on your best behavior, that means no fighting." Dad said looking at Lo"ak "I want to go home." Tuk started crying "oh Tuk." You mom said feeling bad for her. "Hey this is our home now because what?." Your dad said looking at all of you expectingly "Sullys stick together." You all mumbled except Neteyam who actually spoke normally "that's right now with a little feeling." Your dad said. Everyone abided and said the stupid family quote. After that everyone one found a spot and went to sleep considering it had just eclipsed.

1322 words.

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