ch.4 a little disagreement

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I take in a huge breath of air lifting my head out of the water, "6 minutes and 35 seconds." Neteyam states looking at my heaving form. "Yess! I beat my record." I exclaim throwing my arms up in the air.

"Yeah but you'll never beat mine." Neteyam brags but I'm to happy to be upset. "Whatever bro I just wanted to beat mine." I said with a huge grin on my face.

"Yeah yeah good job, at least you can hold your breath for a whole minute more than before." Neteyam congratulates me smoothing back some wet hair on my face. "Why thanks you, big bro." I say triumphantly sticking out my chest.

"God you hang out with Aonung to much, you've picked up on his big ego." Neteyam said teasingly "I have not!" I deny though I know it was true, I've hing out with him all day everyday for the past week after he said he liked me. We've actually astablished that we are in  relationship but we haven't told anyone, Aonung doesn't want to let his parents know out of fear that they'll disapprove of our relationship and make us leave.

"Whatever you say." Neteyam responds clearly not believing my answer, it looks like he's catching onto our relationship, though almost everyone has and no one's said a thing, they all know what his parents would think. Especially Tsireya.

"Hey what's going on over there." Neteyam points toward the beach and I look over seeing a group of boys, including Aonung, around Kiri. "Alright let's go, I wanna hear his excuse for why he's bullying Kiri." I said standing up and calling my ilu.

Me and Neteyam swim over to the group of boys who are now standing on the beach talking to Lo'ak. We get closer and we hear what they are saying, their making fun of Lo'ak now so Neteyam storms over and grabs Aonung by the shoulder and pushes him.

Aonung looks at us both and then stares at me, I glared back not happy that he's picking on my siblings. "Leave them alone, now." Neteyam said poking him in the chest, a boy next to Aonung says "oh big bro-." But is cut off by Aonung placing his arm on him.

Aonung looks at me with a sad look in his eyes but I just look away and go up Lo'ak to talk to him "are you okay." I ask as he looks mad staring at Aonung. "He's such a bitch when your not around." Lo'ak snarls. "Don't worry little bro, he won't after today." I say smugly and Lo'ak just looks up at me and smirks.

Neteyam gets done talking to thema dn we turn to walk away but we can still here the boys laughing, though I don't here Aonung. Then Lo'ak turns around and starts walking back, Neteyam calls for him but Lo'aks just says that he's got this.

"I know you think I'm a freak, four fingers, alien even. But I can do something really cool watch." Lo'ak says making a fist, I hold in my laughter knowing what he's gonna do. "I bunch it tight like this and then-." He lands a punch square on Aonungs face and then another and another before he falls in the ground. "It's called a punch bitch!" Lo'ak yells down at Aonung.

Aonung springs up and tackles Lo'ak and it turns into a complete brawl with most of them on the floor. Neteyam scratched his head and groans before going to join the fight. I smirk while watching the fight and Kiri keeps talking them to stop but I don't think even one of them heard her.

Me and Kiri both start laughing at the boys and voting on who we think will be the worst looking by the end of it.

My dad drags both my brothers into our hut while me and Kiri follow close behind. "How could you do this, what was the one rule I had." Your dad scolds them. "Behave ourselves." Lo'ak mumbles

"Exactly and you go and get in a fight with the chiefs son." Our dad continues to scold them both. After a few minutes he stops "I dont care how but go apologize and make things right." Dad says to Lo'ak pushing him out the door.

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