ch.8 mates

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"Well." Aonung said scratching the back of his neck. I stare blankly at him waiting for him to finish his sentence. He takes a deep breath before speaking again, "y/n you know I love you with every bone in my body and I don't know what I'd do without you, I don't want to even imagine a future without you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you even if we met barely a month ago." He said grabbing both my hands and squeezing them.

Aonung stares into my eyes with a hopeful smile, I smile back as my face heats up. "Look what I want to say is I love you y/n, will you be my mate?" He asks as his face becomes a deep pink color.

I stare at him in shock and my face reflects the color of his. I smile at him and lean in, just centimeters from his face. I kiss him and get on my knees with him following me and sitting on his heels.

We break the kiss and I look into his eyes loving, "Yes Aonung I would love to be your mate." I whisper loud enough for him to hear me. A grin appears on his face and he grabs his queue not breaking eye contact.

I can't believe this is actually happening, I never imagined ever having such a romantic moment with someone, much less a boy from a completely different clan.

I grab my queue and pull it over my shoulder and glance in-between my hand and his, both holding out our queues. I look back up at him and into his eyes, anticipation glossing over his whole face.

We lean our queues into each others and I watch the tendrils connect. Suddenly a wave of ecstasy washes over my whole body and I hear Aonung let out a breathy sigh.

He grabs me and pulls me into a hug and I wrap my arms around his neck. He smashes our lips together and bites my bottom lip. I open my mouth and he slips his warm tongue into my mouth, I immediately start to fight for dominance but quickly loose to him.

He growls into the kiss and my face becomes hotter and hotter by the second. I break the kiss for a second but he quickly reconnects our lips. He runs his hands down my waist to my thighs and back up to hold my waist.

I tangle my hands into his hair and lightly pull and hear him growl again, feeling him smirk into the kiss. The longer we kiss the more lust I feel from Aonung and my whole body feels like it's going to overheat from both my heat and Aonungs body pressing up against my body.


I groan waking up to the suns glare right in my eyes. I sit up on my elbows to see I'm still on the lily pad with Aonung wrapped around me. I feel my face grow hot thinking about the events of last night.

I feel Aonung stir next to me and watch him sit up. He rubs his eyes and breathes deeply through his nose. I sit up and stretch my arms over my head popping my back in the process.

He looks at me and smirks, his face becoming a light shade of pink. "Good morning Aonung." I say putting my arms back down to hold myself up. He chuckles a bit, "Good morning." His voice is deep and crackly.

I gasp and look at him in shock, "dude are parents don't know where we went." I say standing up in the lily pad. "Oh shoot your right we gotta go." He says sliding off the lillypad and into the water.

I dive in and my ilu swims under me and I see Aonung swim up next to me waiting. I get ready and we ride our ilus back to village.

We arrive and I jump off mine and onto a dock, Aonung stays on his ilu. "Bye y/n! "he yells to me in a hurried voice. "Bye Aonung." I yell back while waving one of my hands at him.

I jogged to my hut that wasn't too far away from the dock I jumped on. I take a deep breath before I go in and prepare to get at least a light scolding.

I walk in and immediately everyone looks at me and I smile awkwardly. "Hey guys I'm back." I say looking at everyone and realizing that Lo'ak had gotten home last night and he was already here.

My mother looks at me with a slightly angered look, "explain yourself now!" She hissed at me while standing up and walking over to me.

I whine as she grabs my ear and sits me down next to where she was sitting. "We were worried, I thought you would have been back last night!" She hissed again while still whispering to me as to not disturb other people.

"Why were you out all night." She asked while crossing her arms. I look at her and my dad that was next to her trying to find the best possible way to tell them I just mated with the chiefs son.

"Um well here's the thing, mom and dad." I scratch the back of my neck and my dad has on a more serious face now. I take a deep breath and choose my next words. "So."

I apologize for the short chapter, I was busy with school work today.
940 words.

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