ch.6 parents

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I splash water to the best of my ability towards Aonung, who was splashing me back a lot more successfully. I get as close as I can to him and then catch his hand to stop him from splashing me. "Dude you can't just grab me that's not how this works." He whines trying to pull his hand away.

I smirk at him and then pull him closer to me. "Hi." I say looking up at him, he looks down at me and is practically in my face. "What are you doing." He ask raising an eyebrow.

"Oh nothing." I say putting my hands behind his head then grabbing his hair with one of my hands and pushing him down into the water. I laugh as he stands back up spitting water out of his mouth and makes gagging sounds. "Really I thought I was gonna get a kiss, instead I swallowed three gallons of sea water."

"Aww now I feel bad, I'm sorry but in my defense you splashed me first." I say looking at him kinda embarrassed. "It's fine I guess it is my fault." He admits laughing and stepping a little closer to me." He then grabs the back of my hair and shoves my face down into the water.

I cough and spit and gag out the sea water I just inhaled. Aonung laughs at me and pats my back. "You can't be mad you did it first." He says making circular motions with his hand on my back.

"Fine fine I guess you're right." I say finally stopping my coughs and breathing normally. I stand up straight and glare at him while he smirks at me.

"Stupid." I grumble and splash a little water at him. He laughs and gives me a quick peck on the lips then starts walking towards a small island a little farther out. "Where are you going?" I ask while walking after him. "Wanna come look at shells with me, i wanna find a few for a necklace." He says looking back at me for confirmation.

"Sure can I make a necklace too." I ask following him to the island. "Yeah just pick out a few shells you like." He says walking up onto the little island. I follow after him and squat down next to him to look for sea shells.

"Ooh this one's pretty cool." I say picking up a small yellow shell with blue squiggly lines. "Oh yeah that one's pretty, but look at the one I found." Aonung says smugly holding up a medium red to orange gradient shell. "Wow that ones pretty." I marvel at the shell.

"Yeah I know that's why I picked it." Aonung says holding his head up. I laugh at his ego and continue looking for shells. "Hey look this ones gorgeous." I say showing Aonung a medium sea shell that was the same blue-greenish color of his eyes.

"Really I think its kinda plain, I mean it is only one color and it has no design." Aonung says shrugging and I just smile at him. "Well I like it because it reminds me of you." I say looking at his confused face. "What how does a shell remind you of me." He chuckles a bit while poking the shell.

"Well it's the same color as your eyes, so it makes me think of you." I whisper the last part a little embarrassed. My cheeks get hot and become a light pink color and  Aonung smiles at me while his cheeks too become a light shade of pink. "That's so sweet, now I need to find one that's your eye color." He said vigorously looking through the water.

I giggle a little at his actions and roll my eyes before going back to search for a few more shells.

"Aha I found one." Aonung says showing me an e/c sea shell. "Now I can be all romantic too." He smirks and looks at me, I smile at him. "Good job, it'll look great on your necklace." I smirk at him and grab all the shells I've collected.

"Well I think I have all the shells I want." I say holding them all in my hands and looking over them again. "Same, we should go back it's gonna eclipse any minute now." Aonung says picking up all his shells.

We both put our shells in little satchels. We walked back through the water up to the beach and headed back to the village to get some string for the necklaces.

We walk through the village towards his house, while talking about random stuff. We arrived at his house and saw both of his parents there, his dad was sitting in a corner not paying attention and his mother looked very upset and she seemed to become more agitated at the mere sight of me.

When Aonung sees them both he stops walking and looks worried. "Um did something happen or is something wrong?" Aonung immediately asks making me stand behind him and stare into the hut at his silent parents.

I grow more worried as a few seconds pass before his mother decides to speak. "My eldest son, we must talk to you." His mother says glaring at me with an unbelievable amount of hate in her eyes.

"Um okay, what do you need." Aonung says though I can hear the subtle hint of fear in his words. "Without that demon here." She scowls pointing at me and gesturing for me to leave.

"He's not a demon and why does he need to leave?" Aonung asks this time the sound of annoyance lacing his words. "It's fine I'll leave." I say not wanting to cause anymore tension between me and his mother. I start to walk away before Aonung grabs me by the wrist and pulls me back over, I look at his mother who looks like she wants to drown me.

"Let him leave Aonung, now." His mother instructs with venom seeping through her voice. Aonung stares at her with a blank expression and then let's go of my wrist. "Bye y/n I'll see you tomorrow." He says looking at me with a smile. I watch his mom get annoyed at his words, "bye Aonung and bye Ronal and Toniwari." I smile waving goodbye to his parents.

His dad smiles at me and nods his head and his mom scoffs at me before I walk away. I walk fast not wanting to hear the conversation he was about to have with his parents, though I do pray we see eachother tomorrow.

1105 words

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