ch.7 parents pt.2

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Aonungs POV.

I watch y/n quickly walk away and I sigh before stepping into my house knowing that I might not get to ever see him again.

"Really a demon!" My mother yells at me and I just sit there looking at her. My dad looks up for a second then down again at his hands completely discluding himself from this conversation.

"And another boy honestly what were you thinking!" She yells again looking down at my armband. "You are such a disappointment Aonung. I can't believe my son loves a demon boy." She looks at me with a hateful expression.

"I'm not changing my feelings, so yell at me as much as you'd like." I tell her, though tears threaten to roll down my cheeks. She looks at me with disgust, my own mother looking at me with such dislike felt like a punch to the face.

"You will never see him again." She says crossing her arms. "And I will make sure your devilish ways are corrected." She said hissing in her words.

"What!? You can't do that!" I raise my voice. "Yes I can I forbid you from seeing him and I will find you a proper girl." She tells me looking away from me.

"No please don't mother I love him. For the first time in my life I finally found someone who I dont think I could live without, please don't take him away from me, please." I begged my mother as a few tears spilled from my eyes.

She looks at me shocked and glares a bit. "You are our next leader, I can't have you dating a demon even worse a demon boy." She scowls again.

"Please mother he makes me happier than any other girl ever could, he understands me and listens to me I don't know what I'd do without y/n." My voice cracks as I try my best to plead with my mother.

My dad is staring at me with a great sadness in his eyes. I look at my mom waiting for her answer yet she just stands there thinking.

She looks back at my dad and he looks at her with a pleading look then glances between me and my mother. She turns back around and looks at me then her face softens and she sighs. "Fine you can continue to see the demon boy or y/n whatever you called him." She mumbles the last bit.

I smile sighing in relief and I look at my mother with a thankful smile. "Thank you so much mother." I say and she looks back up at me. "Yeah yeah but don't expect me to me all nice to your little boyfriend." She scowls but I didn't care as long as we could see each other again.

"Now go do something I need to relax." My mother says shooing me away.
I leave the house and start walking in the direction of the Sully's hut then Tsireya stops me and hugs me. "Hey you okay I heard all the yelling, how are things now." She asks letting me go and looking up at me worried.

"You and Lo'ak better thank me." I tell her poking her shoulder. "Oh thank you and I'm so happy you and y/n can be together." She says clasping her hands together infront of her chest.

"Now let's go, we have some Sully children to date." She says grabbing me by the hand and dragging towards their hut. I laugh at her behavior and take my hand out of her grasp.

I see there house in the distance and grab Tsireya stopping her. "What is something wrong." She turns around and looks at me. "No but do I look like I've been crying?" I ask her staring at her watching her smile and laugh. "Tsireya its a serious question, do I?" I whisper yell at her causing her to giggle more.

"No Aonung you don't." She says taking her wrist out of my hand. I sigh and continue walking getting a little more nervous with each step though I manage to keep myself together.

We get to there hut and Tsireya just walk right in and I stand at the doorway marveling her confidence. "Hello mind if I borrow this?"  she says taking Lo'ak by the arm and walking out with him not waiting for an answer.

Their parents stare in shock and I go up to y/n and grab him and take him without saying a word, though I heard their mother say "my children just got kidnapped." and then their father laughed.

I smile at their conversation and continue to drag y/n. "So what happened." He asks, walking beside me. "Umm well my parents know about us now and my mom doesn't really approve but she's letting us stay together." I explain to him and watch him smile and his eyes light up.

Your POV

I smile at Aonung Happy that we can finally be publicly together. "I was worried for a sec that you were gonna say she wasnt gonna let us be together." I sigh and grab his hand.

"Jeez no i would've cried more." He said chuckling. I chuckle a little to before we both walk in a comfortable silence. We get to an edge of the net and he calls his ilu, "where are we going?" I ask him while calling my ilu.

"I wanna show you our spirit tree. Eclipse is the best time to see it." He says hoping onto his ilu. "Really." I gasp and hop on my ilu as well. He dives underwater and I dive in after him following him to their spirit tree.

We resurface and he starts gliding along the water and then I see the glowing pink tree underwater. "Wow that's so cool!" I whisper yelled getting off my ilu.

Aonung got off his ilu and swam up to me, "come let's go down to it." He said diving underwater to swim to the tree. I swam after him and up to the tree, I watch him grab a bundle of the vines and connect his queue to them.

I grabbed some vines as well and connected my queue to them falling into a trance. When I opened my eyes I saw Aonung staring at me, I smile at him and point to the surface and start swimming up for air.

I gasp for air and Aonung pops up beside me. "Oh my god the tree is beautiful." I said to Aonung but he still stared at me with an almost nervous but hopeful look in his eyes.

"Hey come here." He said swimming over to a big lilypad and pulling himself up on it. I swim over to it and take his hand climbing up as well.

"Thank you for bringing me here Aonung it's beautiful." I say looking down at the tree that's about 20 feet from us now. "I've been wanting to bring you here for a while." He told me but it seemed like he still had something to say.

I didn't ask about his hesitation and just looked at him and smiled. Then he leaned in closer to me and grabbed my chin then kissed me. I immediately kissed him savoring the taste of his lips and feeling of him against me.

He broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes. "Um y/n I have a question." He said hesitantly. I looked at him and smiled, "what's the question." I ask waiting for his answer. "Well."

1259 words

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