ch.3 Signing

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"No put your thumb to the side, not over your fingers." Aonung explained in a fed up tone. "Like this?" I question trying to move my fingers the right way. "No! keep your fingers closer together, and don't swoop so aggressively!" He shouted and layed back down on the sand groaning.

"I'm new to this don't be so upset." I grumble looking at his huffing figure "your like 3 years old!" He yelled sprawling his arms out on the sand. "I am not, now sit up and teach me, I thought you were the greatest teacher ever." I comment smugly watching him sit up to glare at me.

"I am the greatest teacher, you just the stupidest student." He picked up some sand and tossed it at me, hitting my torso. "Bitch." I grumbled under my breath while tossing sand back at him. "What did you just call me?" A huge smile dawned his face and his eyes grew wide, picking up a handful of sand.

"You Aonung are a little bitch." I said smugly closing my eyes. He threw the sand and it hit me directly in the face, I quickly started spitting and wiping it off my face "ew bro it got in my mouth." I complained looking at him

He throws his head back a bit and laughs loudly, so I take my opportunity and chuck some sand at him, landing it right in his mouth. He stops laughing and start spitting and making throw up sounds. I try my best to contain my laughter and it comes out as spitting noises. I hide my face by bending my leg and resting my head against it while still peeking at Aonung.

"How does the sand taste." I giggle lifting my head up. He glares at me "It would be a shame if I didn't share, I mean sharing is caring." He says picking up a handful of sand and getting on his knees. I jump up off the ground and watch him eat up with me. "Hey we can talk about this." I try reasoning with him, I dont want a mouthful of sand.

"Nah I'd rather not, I'll give you a 3 second head start." He getting in a running position, "1" he says tauntingly. "Shit!" I take off running but it's hard to run in sand but all I needed to do was make it to a tree so I could climb it.

"3!" He yells from behind me and I start panicking and trying to run faster to the tree that's probably still 60 feet from me. Im almost to the tree when I feel someone grab my wrist and pull me back.

I stumble and fall into the person that grabbed, I look up and see Aonungs smug face and I also see the fat clump of sand in his right hand. He grabs my waist in a sort of half hug and I lean over forward to avoid his other hand "come on don't fight me so much on this." He coos into my ear as he leans his body over mine.

I jump and try to hang so he'll lose grip but it doesn't work "why the hell are you so strong." I complain trying to pry his left arm off of me. "Why thank you but I think you're just super weak."  He laughs in my ear.

"I'm not weak." I grunt trying to pull away from him in anyway, then I get an idea. I put on of my feet behind his and pull his leg forward and force myself back, causing us both to tumble to the ground, me falling into of him.

He groaned when I fell on him so I quickly rolled off and tried to run but when I got to the end of his feet he swiftly sat up and grabbed my tail. I yelp and fall back on the ground landing in-between his legs. He moved onto his knees and grabbed my shoulder then forced me onto the ground leaving his hand on my chest so I couldn't get up.

He straddleed me and rasied the hand with sand in it "Come on open up." He teased. I grabbed his hand and pursed my lips turning my head away from him "mm,mm" I protested glaring at him "ugh " he glared down at me for a second then a smile formed in his face, this couldn't be good.

He moved the hand that was on my chest up and grabbed my chin forcing my head to face him. He leaned closer to my face and stuck his fingers in my mouth trying to pry it open. I nipped his finger with my fangs and he let go of my face and sat up straight "ow you animal, that hurt." He whined holding his hand.

Aonung x M!readerWhere stories live. Discover now