ch.2 learning to breath

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The warm feeling if the sun and the bright light shining in my eyes wakes me from my ever so needed sleep. I grosn sitting up and stretching my arms over my head and looking around to see my whobin my family is still hear. I look around everyone is still asleep and my dad is gone, I don't have a clue on where he is.

I look beside me and see Tuk curled up near my leg and hip, I didnt even feel her or know when she got over here. I see Neteyam a little away from me on my other side and decide to wake him up. I reach over and aggressively grab and squeeze his side and he jolts up looking groggily at me. "Good morning big bro." I whisper a but not trying to wake Tuk " why did you do that you idiot." He groans clearly annoyed at me.

"I'm lonely, I don't wanna be awake all alone." I said giving him a stupid smile. "your unbelievable, wake up Lo'ak to." He says rubbing his eyes. "K" I simply respond looking around for Lo'ak. I spot him on the other side of Tuk a little to far away for me to reach.

I slowley slide away from Tuk, careful not to wake her. I stand up stretching again since I hadn't stretched my legs. I walk over to Lo'ak deciding how I should wake him up. I decided I wanted to tickle him awake to annoy him, so with a smirk on my face I put my feet on either side of him. I lean down and put my hands into position on either of his sides and jab my hands into his sides and start tickling him.

His eyes snap open and just as he was about to yell Neteyam places his hand over Lo'aks mouth. I smirk at Neteyam who smirks back at me, we both watch Lo'aks squerm and try to yell but he can't get out of our grips. Lo'ak trys to slap me but Neteyam grabs both his hands and holds them above his head so he can't. I start laughing and Neteyam joins me while Lo'ak continues aggressively squirming and trying to yell.

"Alright stop bullying your brother." I hear my dad's voice say from behind us, so both me and Neteyam let go of Lo'ak and turn towards our dad. Lo'ak is loudly heaving next to us, our dad just looks at us smiling, "y'know I did that to my brother, it was alot harder considering I didnt have backup." Your dad said kinda looking impressed.

"You can't blame us for this, it was a perfect opportunity." I said smirking at our dad. I realize everyone else is starting to wake up and Tsireya and Aonung are behind my dad, Aonung was leaning on the side of the doorway smirking at me and Tsireya next to him standing with her hands folded infront of her.

"Well are you guys ready for your first day of training." Tsireya says making Lo'ak Jump up and move out from under me, trying not to look weak. I smirk at Neteyam and he smirks back, then I look at Aonung and smirk my eyes going between Lo'ak and Tsireya until he understood and mouthed the word no and shook his head, I chuckled and looked away.

"Okay well why don't we get started." Tsireya cheered making Tuk and Kiri stand up "yaaaaay swimming, water." I sarcastically cheered with an annoyed face. Kiri rolled her eyes at me and Aonung smirked at me. Eventually Tsireya and Rotxo dove into the water gracefully and Aonung stayed in the net to watch us jump in.

My siblings canon ball in alot less gracefully than the first two. I'm standing at the net looking I to the water next to Aonung, "Are you gonna jump in or stand here all day." He teases, well two can play at that game "I dont are YOU gonna jump in or stand here all day." I said copying his words and smirking at him. He moved from the tree he was leaning on and shoved me forward off the net but I grabbed his arm pulling him with me as we both crashed into the water.

We were under the water and I opened my eyes, Aonung fell on top of me and was still on me and we were on the floor if the ocean, so I was tinned under him. He looked at me smirking and watching me struggle to get him off me. He laughed and finally got off me and I quickly swam up to the surface and gasped finally breathing again.

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