ch.5 Tulkun and love bands

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A loud horn blares in the early morning, waking me and my family. We all jump up, worried that something bad is happening.

We all run out of the hut and Tsireya and Aonung swim up to us on their ilu, "what is going on?" Your dad asks the two. "Our brothers and sisters have returned, come on." Tsireya says

She took Lo'ak on the back of her ilu and the rest of my family went to get on their ilus, while Aonung swam up to me and offered me his hand.

"Mind joining me to see my spirit brother." He asks, smirking at me and still holding out his hand for me. "I would love to." I say taking his hand and hopping on the back of his ilu, wrapping my arms around his waist.

He looks back and I nod signaling we can go now he turns around but slips his hand under my thigh before barreling off into the sea.

We push out way past other people to find his spirit brother. Eventually he excitedly swims up to one of the Tulkun and hops off the ilu, "come on meet my brother, Tewe." He grabs my hand and pulls me off his ilu.

We swim towards the Tulkun that Aonung referred to as Tewe. Aonung let's go of my hand and waves at Tewe and let's him just below his eye.

Aonung signs to Tewe "It's so nice you are finally back I've missed you." I watch from the distance, I don't want to disturb there conversation.

Aonung signs more "This boy is the one I love." He points at me and I wave to Tewe. The Tulkun makes a loud sound that I don't understand but it makes Aonung laugh.

"What did he say?" I ask Aonung curios of Tewe's opinion of me. "He said your cute and that you look nicer than me." Aonung says turning to look at me.

"Awww thanks Tewe." I say looking at the Tulkun, it makes a loud sound again but I don't ask about it and just watch as Aonung and Tewe catch up on what's happened in the past year.

I smile watching Aonung so happy to finally be reunited with his spirit brother. His laughs and his smile are so contagious and frankly cute, it makes me smile to see him so happy.

"Hey, y/n come here." Aonung says gesturing for me to swim over. I swim over to him and look at him waiting for him to tell or show me why I'm over here. "Wanna go for a ride." He smirks at me while grabbing Tewe's fin.

I gasp and my eyes light up "hell yeah." I say grabbing the fin Aonung was on. He nods to Tewe and we start moving slowly. "Hold on tight." Aonung chuckled into my ear, causing me to grip tighter.

Tewe dives under water and speeds up a lot making me quickly realize why Aonung suggested to hold on tight. My hands start to slip of the fin and I try my best to grip harder but I end up losing my grip. I start to slip back but Aonung grabs my hand and pulls my back up and puts my hand on the end of the fin then let's go and places his arm around my waist hugs me closer to him making it a lot easier for me to hang on.

The Tulkun surfaces again and I take in a deep breathe of fresh air. Aonung and me let go of Tewe and me started chuckling, "what?" I ask looking at him. "You should have seen your face when you were about to slip off." He says giggling some more while I just roll my eyes at him.

After we hang out with his Tulkun for a few more hours I get tired, "really do we have to go back." Aonung whines to me making a pouty face. "No we don't but I'm gonna go." I tell him while calling my ilu. "But I don't wanna stop hanging out with you either." He said.

"I don't wanna stop you from catching up with Tewe, so it's fine if you stay out here." I tell him while mounting my ilu. He suddenly calls his ilu and mounts it "I'll hang out with my spirit brother another time." He smile at me and I smile back. "You really don't have to if you wanna keep hanging out with Tewe you can." I reassure him.

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