Authors Note. IMPORTANT!!!!

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first of all I apologize for being away for so long and not updating the story during that time period.
Second of all I have been having a lot of weird changes and problems at home so it was very hard for me to try and start writing again.
And third I really do apologize to the people who really enjoyed the story and wanted to continue reading but I am canceling the book and I will not continue writing for this story.
I might write other stories in the future depending on how things go and maybe I'll pick up this one again but I wouldn't wait for it since it's a very slight chance.
I really apologize to those who wanted to continue the story and those who loved the story.
I want to say thank you to everyone for supporting me while I did write this, I really do appreciate how much love and support I've gotten from everyone and I really am sorry and I hope I'm able to pick up this story again in the future.

Again thank you to everyone who did read the story I really appreciate you all, the story will remain here and you will be able to read it but I just won't be adding anymore parts I thank you all for understanding. (:

Aonung x M!readerWhere stories live. Discover now