You Are Skxawng

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Jake was still fucked. 

Ilhia had grabbed hold of him so quickly and so forcefully he had no time to react and thought he was going to shit his pants. She'd shoved him forward and kept him moving towards the massive tree. He quickly realised that it was what the natives call 'Hometree'. 

He hadn't appreciated being slapped and touched by the Na'vi people as Ilhia pushed him through the crowd into the centre of the tree. But he forgot about it as the Na'vi woman who had come out to meet Ilhia ran ahead towards what looked like the leader of the clan. 

The rest of it had been a blur. The leader was Ilhia's father, as so it turned out. Ilhia had released him to move towards her father, and his braid had been quickly snatched up by another Na'vi. 

I really gotta learn the language

"What's going on?" Jake mumbled as the leader laughed with a warrior looking male Na'vi and the woman who had met them first. 

"My father is deciding whether to kill you," Ilhia answered simply, as if that solved everything. 


A woman dressed in red descended the spiral staircase, shouting in Na'vi. Her words silenced everyone, and Jake had the feeling that this woman had more respect than the leader. 

"That is Mother. Tsahik," Ilhia said lowly. "She is the one who interprets the will of Eywa."

Jake really does gotta find out who this Eywa is. 

The Tsahik circled him slowly, pulling his tail and feeling his braid. When she was in front of him, she pulled a blade out and stabbed him in the chest before he'd realised what had happened. 

He grunted in surprise as the Tsahik dragged the blade across her tongue. 

"What are you called?"

Jake's ears twitched in surprise. "Jake Sully," he answered honestly. 

She asked him a few more questions, and seemed satisfied with his answers. The male warrior did not, but Ilhia's father put his hand on the warrior's chest and spoke more Na'vi. The crowd called out in what seemed like agreement, Jake had no idea. The Tsahik began to speak to Ilhia, and she gasped in protest, beginning to talk back, but her mother silenced her and she exclaimed loudly in annoyance. 

"It is decided," Tsahik announced. "My daughter will teach you our ways. Learn well, Jakesully, and we will see if your insanity can be cured." 

Jake dipped his head to the Tsahik. The native holding his braid reluctantly let go. Ilhia was glaring at him, as was the male warrior and the woman. 

The crowd began dispersing, and still Ilhia was glaring at him. "Come," she said finally. "We will get you proper pxen."

Jake didn't even want to ask. 


"How do you fucking wear these things?" 

Ilhia heard the demon mutter to himself as he tried to put on the Na'vi clothes that she'd given him. She couldn't help but laugh a little bit as he came out from behind the privacy curtain with a face similar to those of a huffy child who didn't get what he wanted. 

"Smile, skxawng, it fit you fine," Ilhia chuckled. Jake didn't respond to her, just tugged the fabric so it was in a more comfortable position. 

"I don't understand how these are comfortable for you," Jake said, hands on his hips. He felt like a child again, showing his mom clothes she'd picked for him in the store. 

"Get used to it." 

Jake laughed at the bluntness of Ilhia's delivery. "No chance of wearing my old gear, huh?" 

"It smells. It is torn. It has already been destroyed," Ilhia smiled faintly. "You are alien, but with Na'vi pxen you look part of Omatikaya clan."

"Apart from these," he said, and held up his hand. Ilhia glanced at his five fingers. 


Jake locked eyes with her. She held his gaze for a couple of seconds, refusing to back down, and he was the one to break contact, his eyes flicking to her lips, down her body and to the floor, a movement so subtle she wouldn't have caught it if she wasn't looking at him.

She narrowed her eyes. The demon better not start having any ideas.

She pushed his head with the palm of her head. "Do not." 

His ears flattened against his head and his eyes widened for a split second. Then he smiled arrogantly and spread his arms. "Don't what?" 

Ilhia simply glared at him. "We are not friends," she reminded him. "The only reason you are alive is because Eywa saved you." She paused and cocked her head to the side. "From me." 

She was satisfied to see fear flicker over his features. He blew out a breath and fiddled with the front of his loin cloth. Ilhia let her words settle, then moved away from him. "Come. Dinner will be ready." 


The woman was easily one of the scariest people he'd ever met. He'd been joking with her one second and the next she'd threatened his life. 

Humour is totally different with the natives. He'd have to be careful or Grace would have his tongue. And Ilhia would totally skin him alive. 

All traces of laughter had just vanished from her face. If looks could kill, he'd be six feet under. 

He followed her up the flight of stairs, constantly tugging at the clothing Ilhia had given him. It was giving him a mega wedgie. Is this what thongs felt like? No wonder women didn't like to wear them. 

Ilhia sat him down in the front row of the circle of seated Na'vi. He grinned at a small Na'vi child who waved at him, and didn't comment when their parent pulled them away from him. 

She returned with two bowls of food and handed one to him. Jake inspected it before picking up a piece of it and eating it. Flavour exploded on his tongue. 

"It is Ilhia, right?" The last thing he wanted was to be saying her name wrong.


"What's your father's name? Your mother's?" 

She glanced at him, and must've decided it was harmless information. "Ma mother, sa'nok, is Mo'at. Father is Eytukan." She focused on her food and then over to her mother and father. "Neytiri is my sister, tsmuke. Tsu'tey, who does not like you very much, is to be mated with Neytiri. He will be next Eytukan, and ma tsmuke will be next Tsahik." 

Jake chuckled at that. "Why doesn't he like me?" 

"Nobody likes you. You are vrrtep, demon in Na'vi body." 

He had to laugh at her bluntness. "Do you like me?" 

"No. You are skxawng." 

"What does that mean?" 

Her eyes lit up with dark humour. "Ask your Grace. She will know." 

"Grace doesn't like me very much either," Jake admitted. Ilhia scoffed.

"You people are stupid," she muttered under her breath. Jake decided to ignore it, knowing it was probably an insult. 

Once they were finished their food, Ilhia guided him up the spiral staircase, towards the sleeping area. She made no comment as she climbed into her hammock thing, and Jake copied her to do the same, with far less grace than she had used. 

Ilhia pulled the hammock closed, and Jake did the same. 

What a fucking day. 

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