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The hunting festival was nothing that Jake had ever experienced before. Loud music was played by Na'vi on drums, people were dancing together, and drinking what Ilhia called swoa. Grace had warned him not to drink too much of it, because it was the equivalent of seventy percent vodka with no chaser. 

Ilhia had been drinking it all night. He'd watched her progressively get drunker and drunker, dancing the night away. 

He'd been sitting with Norm and Grace, chatting shit, when Neytiri approached him. She looked very serious, so he glanced over at his company, and Grace immediately got the hint. She grabbed hold of Norm and shoved him up, saying that she wanted to dance. 

Neytiri crouched down behind him, holding two cups of swoa. She handed one to him wordlessly and he took it, murmuring a thanks. 

They sat in silence for a couple of minutes, Neytiri sipping her drink. Jake didn't know what to say to her, but he knew what she would want to talk about. 


His eyes found her in the crowd again as she danced with Grace and Norm. The grin on her face was visible even from where he was sitting. 

"My sister is not a child," Neytiri began, setting her cup on the floor. Jake glanced over at her and saw that she too, was watching Ilhia. "She is old enough to make her own decisions."

"I feel like there's a but in there," Jake said lightly. Neytiri's ears flattened against her head. 

"I cannot say I approve of this match," she said finally. "You are not Omatikaya yet. She has her entire life in front of her. I understand from Grace that you will not be here forever, at least not your consciousness." She motioned to her head. "It will not be fair to her. We mate for life, and if she chooses you, and you leave, she will be forever alone." 

Jake's chest tightened at the thought. He'd not taken that into consideration. 

But this was no longer a job. He didn't want to leave. He wanted her, wanted all of her, the good, the bad, the physical and the mental. The thought of connecting with Ilhia exhilarated him.

Neytiri hadn't looked at him at all since she'd sat down, but she twisted her neck so fast he thought she'd get whiplash when he said, "I think I love her." 

"Are you sure?" 

Jake didn't hesitate. "Yes." 

Neytiri gasped, her mouth dropping open. 

He continued. "I only want her happiness, Neytiri. I don't plan on leaving, not for years yet. And that's only if they can drag me back on a ship to my planet. I will pass every test you throw at me, if it means that I can become Omatikaya and be with her." 

Neytiri smiled, her hand covering her mouth. "I was wrong about you," she said gently. Jake just chuckled. 

"Do I have your permission?" 

The question hung in the air for a couple of seconds, before Neytiri nodded. 

"If she chooses you, you have my blessing."


She smiled at his thanks, and they sat in a slightly more comfortable silence. Jake downed his swoa in one go, and Neytiri laughed at his face.

"Come dance, Jake! Ma tsmuke! Tsu'tey is waiting for you!" Ilhia came up to them, slightly out of breath, and grabbed one of Jake's hands and one of Neytiri's. 

"You have had enough swoa!" Neytiri said sternly, and Jake just about understood it, grinning at himself. 

"Never enough! How often do we do this, Neytiri? Relax, it's only a bit of fun!" was Ilhia's immediate retort. She pulled on their hands again. "Come on, come on, skxawng!" 

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