Chapter 5

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Songs: That's Christmas To Me; Slow Hands

chapter warnings: smut! frottage, vaginal fingering, hand job, dirty talk, marking

Christmas day was always a lowkey affair at the Rogers household. The day was spent in pajamas, making waffles, eating junk, and watching Christmas movies. This year was no different, except for the fact that Bucky was there, which meant Veronica felt like her every nerve was on end. She had gone through the day conscious of every little move she made, feeling Bucky's eyes on her.

They were in the living room late that night, Veronica on the bed next to Steve, Bucky in the chair by the bed, only a few feet separating them. She was hyper-aware of him, noticing the distance between them where they sat, and feeling it like an ache inside her.

Veronica swung her legs off the bed, standing, and said, "I'm getting dessert, anyone want anything?"

Bucky was slouched down in the chair, and he looked up at her, smiling. "Sure Vee, what're you having?" he asked, and she grinned, walking around the bed and going to the doorway.

"Bailey's on ice cream," she said, and Bucky smirked, fingers drumming on his thigh, catching Veronica's gaze, making her bit her lip.

"Sounds good to me," he replied, shifting in the chair, straightening up and crossing his legs, Veronica grinning widely as she realized why.

"I'll take some too," Steve chimed in and Veronica frowned, crossing her arms as she faced her dad.

"You will not! You're on pain meds, no alcohol until you're off them, Dad. You can have ice cream but no Bailey's." Steve rolled his eyes, slumping back in the bed.

"Takes all the fun out of it," he grumbled, and Veronica waved him off, going into the kitchen, preparing the bowls. She got the Irish cream out of the pantry, face flushing warmly at the memory of the day before. She touched her fingertips to her lips, tracing them, remembering the feeling of Bucky's against them.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts before she got too lost in them, Veronica assembled the ice creams and carried them back to the living room. She made sure to give her dad the right bowl, handing one of the others to Bucky with a smile. Their fingers brushed as he took it and her breath caught, sparks igniting the flame within her again.

Veronica stretched out on her stomach on the bed, bowl between her hands in front of her, her chest lifted and propped up on her forearms. She crossed her ankles and kicked her legs up in the air, thighs tense as she tried to calm down.

Bucky kept shifting to the side of her, drawing her attention and keeping it far more than the movie they were watching. Veronica studied his face as she ate; scruff with a little patch of gray on the chin, the laugh lines around his eyes, his hair tucked back into a neat little bun. His hands were folded in his lap and Veronica couldn't help the grin at how they were positioned. She looked back up and got caught in his gaze, dark and smoldering in the light of the tv. Veronica quickly looked away, every bit of her tense as she tried to control herself when all she wanted to do was throw herself at Bucky.

When the movie was over, Veronica turned to her dad, only to find him asleep sitting up. She sighed and shook her head, standing up and picking up her bowl and his, still in his hands on his lap.

Bucky was standing when she turned back around, and she whispered, "Can you get him laying down while I take care of these?" He nodded, hand on her lower back as she passed by him, going into the kitchen. She rinsed the bowls and put them in the dishwasher, turning off the light as she left, leaving the house dark.

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