Chapter 10

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A/N: surprise, a new chapter already! enjoy, and leave a comment or vote if you like it <3

Songs: Matilda (Harry Styles), Hold On (Chord Overstreet), The Night Before The Funeral (The Mary Onettes)

The sound of a trumpet blaring loudly, jolted Veronica from her sleep, and she scrambled for her phone, swearing. "Stupid fucking ringtone- Yeah, Dad?"

"Sam's on his way over, get yourself ready to go," Steve answered in a clipped tone, voice leaving no room for argument.

"I- fine," Veronica sighed, hanging up and falling back on the pillow. A hand reached over to stroke her cheek, and she sighed, turning to face Bucky. "I have to go," she whispered, and he nodded, holding her face as he leaned forwards and kissed her gently. He only pulled back when the doorbell rang, pressing his forehead to hers before pulling away entirely and standing up. Bucky left the room, and Veronica willed herself not to scream.

She got up slowly, grabbing her phone, her dress, her shoes, and her clutch full of jewelry from the top of the dresser, and made her way out into the rest of the house. Sam was in the landing with Bucky, both turning to her as they stopped talking.

"Hey Vee," Sam said kindly, and she smiled tightly at him. "Your dad insisted," he shrugged, and she nodded, walking down the stairs and handing Bucky her things when he reached for them. Sam handed her her own pair of winter boots and she looked at him, surprised. "Bucky may have mentioned you might need these to walk home in."

"Thanks," Veronica muttered, tugging them on and pulling her coat on over her borrowed clothes. She pulled on her hat and gloves, then took back her things from Bucky. She stood awkwardly next to him and Sam for a minute, not sure what to do next.

"I'll just, step outside for a moment," Sam murmured, and Veronica looked at him gratefully. As soon as he was out the door, she was turning to Bucky, and his lips were on hers. He kissed her deeply, his hands supporting her neck, thumbs stroking over her cheekbones. Veronica dropped everything she was holding and wrapped her arms around Bucky's waist, crushing herself against him.

Bucky slowly started to end the kiss, pulling back little by little, pressing kisses to Veronica's cheeks and chin, her forehead and her eyelids, until he was kissing her lips chastely, her eyes fluttering open to stare into his.

"I'll be here, sweetheart," Bucky whispered, and Veronica nodded, stepping back as he let her go. He bent down to pick up her things and handed them to her, a small smile on his face as he kissed her one last time.

Veronica stepped outside, looking back at Bucky as he watched her and Sam walk down the steps, down to the driveway, before she finally stopped turning back. She and Sam walked in silence for a moment, then he spoke up.

"You know, I saw you and Bucky yesterday, in the snow," Sam started, and Veronica felt herself stiffen, ready to defend them, but he continued. "I haven't seen him that happy, ever." She deflated immediately, taken aback by his sincerity. "It was good to see."

"So...does that mean you don't think we're making a mistake?"

"Do you think you're making a mistake?"

"No, I don't. I'm just worried about what Dad will say," Veronica sighed, and Sam looked down at her. They had reached her garage and he stopped them for a moment.

"I can't promise what your dad will or won't do, but take it easy on him. This was a big shock for him, just try to remember he's doing his best," Sam reminded Veronica and she nodded. They walked up the front path and into the house, Veronica locking the door behind them.

"Veronica? Sam? That you?" came Steve's voice from the living room.

"Yeah, Dad, be right there," Veronica responded, setting her things down on the steps and taking her coat and boots off. As she was hanging up her coat, she heard thumping behind her, the sound of Steve moving on his crutch.

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