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songs: Closing Time (Semisonic)

Over the next few months, Veronica alternated her weekends spent at home or at school, but Bucky was with her either place.

On the Saturdays Veronica was at school, Bucky would drive down in the morning, usually bringing breakfast of some kind that he'd pick up on his way. Often having just awoken recently, Veronica would sleepily let Bucky and Luna in, heading to the kitchen table and placing the food down in front of Emma, eagerly waiting. They'd all eat together, planning their day while Luna slept at their feet.

Bucky met Veronica's two other housemates, Brandi and Casey, a few Saturdays into the routine, neither having a problem with him being there, both flirting with him instead. Bucky found it funny, while Veronica found it annoying, considering one of them had a boyfriend. They didn't usually hang out all together, Casey and Brandi preferring to be with their own friends, but they never hesitated to invite Bucky, and only Bucky. He let them down gently but firmly each time, always saying he'd rather be with Veronica, who couldn't help but preen.

Veronica was happy to report to Bucky after a months, that Carl had been fired, for being inappropriate with the owner's daughter, so she didn't have to worry about him anymore. Bucky was relieved but still kept an eye out, always watching out for Veronica. They often went to Frank's on the days Bucky was there, he and the owner getting along well, swapping stories about running businesses.

When she was home, Veronica would bring her dad to the sandwich shop, so he could interact with his customers and employees again, and get out of the house. Bucky was managing the place alright without him, but everyone had clearly missed Steve, and he, them. The more time Steve and Bucky spent together, with Veronica, Steve was able to see how she had grown and matured, really blossoming into a young woman. A young woman who was madly in love with his best friend. And he, her. As Steve watched them interact he saw how they complemented each other, balanced one another. He may not have liked it, and a part of him never would, but they were good together, and they made each other happier than he had ever seen either of them.

Home for the summer, Veronica often spent her days at the shop with Bucky and her dad, Luna continuing to grow and be a dog of the people, loved by everyone, including Steve. Luna usually trailed after him the most, interested in whatever he did, but she always came whenever Bucky called, knowing who her person was.

Steve started leaving earlier each night, taking Luna back to Bucky's place for him, and letting him and Veronica clean up the place, giving them time just the two of them. Veronica was sure he trusted that they wouldn't do anything in the shop, which they hadn't. Until the night in the middle of the summer when Bucky asked Veronica to move in with him. She practically threw herself at him in her haste to kiss him and accept. They were later getting back that night after they had to sterilize the counter again.

Veronica was worried about how Steve would react to the move, but when they told him, he just sighed, nodding along as if he expected it. He didn't give his blessing, but he didn't get upset either. Veronica knew he was doing his best and that's all she could ask for.

They began the process of moving Veronica's things from Steve's house to Bucky's, Luna sniffing at everything they packed, then unpacked, running around outside while they moved everything. Steve gave Veronica a tight hug at the end of the few days, punching Bucky's shoulder and giving him a warning to be good to his daughter, before leaving.

Veronica and Bucky spent their first night in their home together, wrapped up in one another, speaking quietly and touching softly. They whispered deeper love confessions, hidden thoughts, little secrets to each other, some part of them always connected.

Life continued on mostly as before, with Veronica now going home with Bucky instead of to an empty bed. Brandi and Casey ended up choosing not to share a house with Veronica and Emma the next year, which left them in a scramble, unable to get one with just the of them, sending them back to the apartments on campus. They were able to get a suite with a small kitchen and decent bathroom, but still had to share a room. Their routine changed a little too, with Veronica making sure to come home every weekend she could, spending time with her dad during the day, and her nights at home with Bucky.

Veronica was happier than she could ever remember or imagine being, was deeply, madly in love, and ready for whatever life threw her way.

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