Chapter 15

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warnings: oral sex m and f receiving, fingering, anal fingering with spit, hair pulling, vaginal sex, no condom sex; talk about inappropriate behavior by third party (past)

songs: This Is What You Came For (Calvin Harris, Rihanna), Get Down, Make Love (Queen), Every Breath You Take (The Police)

"Is that him?" Emma asked for the third time, making Veronica roll her eyes. It had been two weeks, two long weeks, since she had seen Bucky, doing everything she could to focus on her studies and not think of him or worry about her dad .

"I told you, he has a black truck, not silver, that's not- wait, over there! There he is!" Veronica cried, jumping up and down as she waved at a black pickup truck heading towards her and Emma. They stood by the main building, next to the parking lot, and Bucky pulled into a space, hopping out of his seat and slamming the door shut, jogging across the space to them, Luna on a leash running alongside him.

Veronica wrapped her arms around his neck immediately, standing on her tiptoes to press a kiss to Bucky's lips, which were spread in a grin, but tried to kiss her back anyways. They separated after a minute, Veronica smiling as she stared into Bucky's sparkling eyes.

"Hi Bucky," Veronica said, fingers twisting in Bucky's hair, cold without gloves.

"Hi baby," he replied, reaching up and taking her hands in his, breathing warmly on them, their eyes connected the entire time. When he lowered their hands, he finally broke their eye contact, turning to Emma, who was standing slightly behind them, a smirk on her face. "Hey Emma," Bucky said, no shame in his voice, but Veronica's cheeks were bright pink.

"'Sup Bucky? Finally, someone who's not afraid to show this girl a little love!" Emma cried out, clapping her hands together giddily, as Veronica rolled her eyes, leaning down to pet Luna. Emma continued, unfazed. "The last guy she was with barely even acknowledged her presence. Such a dick, didn't I tell you he was a dick?"

Bucky looked entertained, totally captivated by Emma's chatter, his hand firm in Veronica's as she stood again. She wrapped her arm around Bucky's, holding on as they walked across the campus, giving him the quick tour. Emma was their guide, giving them all the dirty secrets that you miss out on the official one.

"And over here is where to get the good stuff, the bad shit is over on the hill. I myself am a frequent flier here," Erin grinned, waving to someone standing against the wall. "If you want anything go see that guy, he's got the really good shit."

"Emma, we're not gonna get high while Bucky's here!" Veronica scolded her friend, glaring at her and taking the leash from Bucky while he chuckled.

"I'll keep that in mind," he said, kissing the side of Veronica's head as Emma crowed victoriously.

"He's cool, Vee, you're cool, dude, I like you. You can stay," she said, turning and walking away, waving towards them as she went.

Veronica sighed, shaking her head, but smiling as she turned towards Bucky. "That's pretty much the tour, our place is just a street over there," she said, gesturing behind her. "It's just me and Ems right now, the other two girls, Brandi and Casey, they're back at their homes for j-term. So if you wanted to check it out..."

"Now would be a good time?" Bucky finished Veronica's sentence for her, pulling her flush against him with his hand on her waist, lifting their still joined hands to press a kiss to her cold knuckles. "Lead the way darlin'."

Veronica giggled breathily, swaying forwards and stealing a quick kiss from Bucky, before stepping back and turning, pulling on his hand until he was walking next to her again, heading for her place.

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