Chapter 9

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A/N: i hope y'all enjoy this chapter!! <3 please vote and comment if you do!

songs: Motivation (Kelly Rowland, Lil Wayne), I Like Me Better (Lauv), Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (Pentatonix)

chapter warnings: f oral sex, daddy kink, wet and messy sex, rough sex

"Bucky! Come take a break, you've been at it for over an hour now," Veronica called out the front door early the next afternoon, a fuzzy blanket draped over her shoulders and tucked under her arms. She tired out twenty minutes ago, and Bucky had shooed her into the house, saying he'd be 'just another minute'. Veronica looked down the driveway and saw Bucky halfway down, standing still, talking to someone across the snow-covered yards. They both turned in her direction and she was able to just make out Sam's smile as he waved to her. She waved back, shouting, "Hang on a sec!"

Leaning back inside, Veronica grabbed her coat and the extra pair of Bucky's boots she had been using, tugging everything on and trudging out into the snow. She made her way down the drive carefully, making sure not to slip in the big boots, reaching Bucky and grabbing his outstretched hand.

"Thanks," Veronica muttered, breath fogging in front of her face, cheeks and nose already cold. She looked over the snow in front of her to Sam, and waved at him. "Hi Sam! You guys have really done a lot since I've been inside!"

"Hey Vee," Sam said, smiling warmly. "Yeah, it's pretty light stuff, thankfully. We'll be able to use snowblowers later to clear the rest of it. How are you doing? Bucky's not boring you with old war stories is he?"

Veronica laughed but Bucky stiffened next to her. Her brows furrowed and she squeezed his hand, but told Sam, "Nah he's like Dad that way I'm sure, won't tell me the dark stuff. But he has told me some of his travel stories- have you heard them? I was gonna grill him for more over lunch."

"Make sure he tells you about his first time snorkeling, I bet he hasn't mentioned that," Sam snickered and Veronica looked up at Bucky as he sighed. He glanced down and smiled at her, but his eyes were tight.

Turning back to Sam, Veronica said, "That's definitely on the list. Listen, Sam- thank you for taking care of my dad. I'm still mad at myself for even going out, but I'm really glad you're there."

"It's not a problem, Vee. And don't be too hard on yourself- you're allowed to have time out for yourself," Sam said, slipping into a semi professional, smooth sounding tone so quickly it sounded like an accident and Veronica laughed.

"Thanks Doctor Sam. Alright, I'm going inside because I'm freezing, Bucky are you coming to eat?" Veronica asked, taking a step and pulling on Bucky's hand, still held in hers.

"Right behind you, doll," Bucky replied and Veronica turned back to Sam.

"See you tomorrow Sam? And I guess I'll be coming home since you two are machines at this?"

"Sounds like a plan, and Vee- I'll tell your dad you're doing okay," Sam said, eyes locked on hers but unreadable. She nodded, and smiled, starting back up the driveway.

"Thanks Sam!" Veronica called out, waving with her free hand, other one still clutched tightly in Bucky's as they walked up the steps and into the house. They tumbled inside in a flurry of snow and coats and boots, temperatures quickly rising as they shed their outdoor wear, the house itself warm too.

"Oh my god, I feel like an ice cube but I'm so hot right now," Veronica complained, sitting in the middle of the stairs going up to the main floor, tugging off her borrowed socks that were now wet from fallen snow. Bucky knelt between her legs, his hands sliding up her calves and thighs over what she now thought of as 'her' sweatpants, under her borrowed shirt, until he was holding her waist, engulfed in his large hands.

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