Chapter 4 - A Boy Named Carson

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Midway through lunch I noticed an extremely loud voice coming from behind Sarah's head, and no, it wasn't Sarah. It was a boy who was laughing at, I assume a funny joke. He was dressed in fitted skinny jeans - but not overly skinny, a white hoodie, and a green and black flannel. He also had on white shoes, though I couldn't see the brand. I must have been staring at him long enough for Sam to nudge me and say "That's Carson, he is on the baseball team. Oh and he's gay... in case you were wondering." she chuckled. My face, I'm sure, turned so bright red from embarrassment, my immediate response was "I'm not gay, he was just laughing really loudly so I looked." Sarah turned around and looked at him and said "oh shit... he's hot." Sarah turned around and looked right at me with a weird look on her face. "If you were gay, he wouldn't be a bad brother-in-law." she jokingly said. I just ignored that comment and kept eating. 

A few minutes later Carson got up and walked towards a trashcan to throw away his food. He was tall, about 5'10", similar to my height. He looked like he had a good build on him, but I wasn't fully sure due to his loose-fitting hoodie. Sam got up and walked towards the same trashcan passing Carson saying "Hi Carson, you're looking good!" "Thanks, Sam, you too!" he said in a mature voice. "Hey, I just met some new kids, want to meet them?" I overheard Sam say to Carson. "Sure," he said. I started to sweat again as he and Sam were approaching our table, while Sarah was looking at me knowing I was extremely nervous. I don't know why I was like this because I have had plenty of guy friends before, but I was just uncomfortable in this certain situation. 

Sam introduced Carson to Sarah and she blushed, even though she knew he was gay. Sam then pulled Carson to my side of the table and sat Carson down right next to me. WHAT WAS THIS WOMAN DOING TO ME? I yelled inside while externally smiling. His eyes were dark green and I noticed them moving up and down my body, almost checking me out. But he did this to Sarah too, so who cares. He also smelled really good, like a minty forest or a freshly cut Christmas tree. He took out his hand and said "Hello Dylan, I'm Carson, nice to meet you!" I mysteriously pulled my hand from under the table wiping the sweaty, clammy hand dry, and shook his hand.  His hand was dry but nicely moisturized... oh my god, did I just think that...? Anyways I said "Nice to meet you, Carson. Have you known Sam for a long time?" Assuming they are good friends. "Oh my gosh, forever! I think we first met in 7th grade, and now look at us, we have grown up so much." He responds in a shaky, fake crying voice. "Well, it was fantastic to meet you both, but I need to head to my last class and then baseball practice. Cya later!" Sarah and I replied at the same time "bye!" Once he left the room, I looked Sam dead in the eyes and freaked out, "why did you do that, holy shit!" All she did was laugh and so did Sarah.

"Come on! We need to get to class!" Sam said grabbing her backpack and phone. I slowly grabbed my stuff too and said goodbye to Sarah as she new where her next class was. On our way to class Sam apologized for the situation she put me but explained why she did it... "It was only because the way you were looking at him. I was the same way when I saw him in 7th grade. My then friends did and said the same smart ass remarks to me and totally embarrassed me." "And... just so you know, we did date during 7th and 8th grade, until he told me he was gay." I should have been mad, but he made the effort to explain to me why he was feeling a certain connection towards boys more than girls. And I appreciated that, which is why we are still really good friends." With less confusion and anger, I accepted her apology but expressed to her that I was certainly not gay or into boys. She laughed and said, "when you look at someone like that, all your feelings go out the room and you start daydreaming, exactly what you did in the cafeteria." Before I could explain myself, Olivia and Markus were walking down the hallway towards us. I whispered to Sam, "what should we do?" "Just walk" she said calmly. 

"Well, well, well!" said Markus loudly. "If it isn't the new kid hanging with Sam, the girl who turns guys gay" Olivia exclaimed immediately after Markus. "Aww... isn't that a total lie! Hey freaks, got any more hair dye for me to borrow, or did you dye your pubs too?" I was shocked when Sam said that and almost broke out laughing, but contained myself. "Your just jealous we look prettier than you." Markus clapped back. "Excuse us losers, but we are going to be late for class, maybe go find me some more dye and this time make sure to not drink it." Sam said as she pulled me through Olivia and Markus who stood their looking confused at what she just said.   

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