Chapter 7 - The High School Bullies

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Over the next two days, I was on my toes about Olivia and Markus. I immediately told Sam about who I saw underneath the bleachers after we left the baseball game that night. She had two answers; either they showed up right when we left OR they heard everything and are scheming a dirty plan to ruin your life. I was hoping not the latter option, but if that was the case, we needed to be out in front of it before I turned into the "closet kid" or something else stupid. Even though it has been two days and no signs of people talking bout me, I was worried that they were thinking of something outrageous to pull. 

I built up the courage to text Carson and let him know that I was ready to go on the "get to know us" date. He replied back 5 minutes later saying, "great! We can meet at your house or mine, totally your choice!" Obviously, with Nate and Sarah at home with me, I chose to meet at his house. Right when I sent that text, Sam rammed into me almost losing my phone. "Holy shit man, you almost had to buy me a new phone!" I nervously laughed. "Ah, your date will be fine, don't worry about it." She randomly spits out. "So... any luck on Olivia and Markus' plans?" I curiously asked. "Nothing really, but this is not like them at all if they did hear anything. They normally blab to the school right when they get any degrading information about someone." To be honest, there was not much we could do at this point unless we kidnapped them and held them captive until the end of time, but that was a bad idea. 

The school day was coming to an end and I was still antsy about what might happen with Olivia and Markus, but just knew I had to forget about it. The bell rings for our final class and everyone starts to get up from their seats like a herd of buffalo, but then the announcement speaker comes on: "Attention students" said a voice. "We have a new peer among us that is seducing straight boys. He is even denying he is gay. Our source tells us he is trying to forcefully turn a straight boy from the baseball team onto him. Beware of a boy named Dylan, he's a seducer." and the mic cuts out. Sam looked at me with a worried face and I felt billions of eyeballs on me thinking that this shit was true. In an attempt to stop the bleeding, Sam pulled me through the classroom and into the hallway towards the front doors. Murmurs, yells, and bad names were being thrown at me like physical objects hitting me. Sam got me through the mess and out to the end of the parking lot. "Thanks," is all I had to say.

Sarah found us minutes later and hugged me to make sure I was okay. Random cars drove by with people yelling out of the windows, "faggot", "the new kid is a fag", and "you touch me, I'll chop off ur dick". Quite hurtful names to say the least, but I was most concerned with how I am going to tell Carson and turn the story around to make me not a "faggot." I was also surprised that Olivia and Markus were capable of pulling off such an elaborate prank considering they look and act stupid in their corner every day. I soon got a text from Carson simply saying, "is this true?" I immediately replied no and explained that Olivia and Markus must have been under the bleachers listening to us talking, or at least Sam, Sarah, and I after you left with the team. "What's he saying!?" Sarah and Sam asked. "He just wants to know if it's true, and of course, I told him no." "Good! He will understand because he is very open about his sexuality with the team and I'm pretty sure one of them would ask for help if someone was 'forcefully seducing' them," Sam said reassuringly. Hoping that was the case, our mom showed up and we hastily climbed into the car. "Good day at school?" mom asked. "Oh, it was just another boring day," I said smiling.

We got home and Sarah and I went upstairs. We went into my room and closed the door. "What the hell are we going to do? Those bitches need payback!" Sarah revengefully said with a small evil laugh. "100%, BUT we need to turn this lie about me around first. We need to think of a way to pin the lie on Olivia and Markus." I said thinking. Before we could plan our revenge idea, dad called us down for dinner. All of this revenge talk had me famished. As I was eating I was thinking about Carson hoping he knows that this is a total lie about me and won't ruin our chances of this so-called date at his house tomorrow night.

After dinner was the usual routine of cleaning up and I had the easiest job ever, putting the dishes in the sink - oh hallelujah! I said goodnight to mom and dad and went upstairs to my room. Sarah texted me and said, "I'm going to take a shower before we plan these bitches' demise." I decided to take a shower as well and think while in there. I made it quick and Sarah came into the room right when I put on my shirt. "I know what we're going to do!" I yelled excitedly. 

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