Chapter 2 - Our New Life

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After what felt like years of driving we finally arrived. The drive actually wasn't that bad, we stopped at cool spots that were very beautiful and got to experience some local traditions that created fond memories, whether Sarah and I liked it or not. Nate really doesn't mind anything that is happening and is just excited to design his new gaming room and workout gym. So, we finally arrived at the new house. It was really nice and a lot bigger than our house in Texas. At first, I thought the land was part of some farm but it was ALL ours! We all stumbled out of the car all stiff and achy from the car ride and breathed in the crisp air. Dad walked up to the front door and opened it to reveal a huge entrance with two staircases flanking each side of the hall and a large chandelier in the middle. My Mom ignored this grand entryway and excitedly showed us the kitchen. "Oh my God" was the only thing I could say. Money was never a topic within our family but after seeing the entryway and kitchen, I wondered if I was dreaming or if my parents were loaded. 

Sarah put a smile on her face and ran upstairs to claim her new room and so did Nate. After taking it all in, I followed them. I went up this staircase that looked like it was from a movie and stared at the long and wide hallway that looked like a hotel. My only thought at the time was like "I'm not cleaning this shit..." chuckling to myself. I walked passed two rooms already claimed by my stingy siblings. I walked to the end of the hallway and turned into a room that was massive and overlooked the front yard - "This one is mine!" I yelled knowing nobody cared. The carpet was brand new and the walls were freshly painted, I could smell it, so I laid on the floor looking up at the ceiling wondering what our new school will be like. 

Nate came to my door and said "It's time to unpack loser." After about an hour of unpacking the car, the two moving trucks arrived with our stuff. Moving sucks, but I was so happy when my bed, desk, clothes, and other random stuff were finally organized and in my new room. After putting most of my clothes away, I went to see how Sarah and Nate were doing with unpacking. Nate's room was next to mine so it was the first stop. My jaw dropped when I entered his room. He already had lights, his bed was set up and made, and his gaming rig was already completed. I didn't know he was so efficient at decorating. In shock, I asked "you are already done? Damn you work fast." Nate looked up and replied in a fast and busy tone "I'm not done yet, I still have my exercise room to complete, plus I want to get a rug and some blackout curtains for my window. Now shoo." He looks back down trying to plug in more lights as I left his productive self alone. 

I made it to Sarah's room and which was completely opposite of Nate's. She hasn't done anything yet, all of her clothes were still in boxes and her bed frame still had to be put together. "Whatcha doing?" I asked dumbly. "I'm reading my yearbook from last year, come look!" as she waves me over. I looked at the book and saw, guess who!? Jen. "You're still missing Jen aren't you?" Sarah looked at me and said, "I do, but I'm so happy I have this book, I totally forgot about this stuff, I mean look how ugly we both look!" I laughed and replied, "well, you better start unpacking so you can start your new life and make new friends." I literally sounded like mom and Sarah and I looked at each other and just laughed. "Okay, bye 'ugly'."

I went downstairs to see what mom and dad were doing. To no surprise, mom was unpacking the kitchen stuff, and dad was moving around the furniture. The house was coming along quite well and starting to feel like home that I was starting to like. A few hours later we had our first dinner in the new house. Nothing more suitable than spaghetti and garlic toast to warm up the house. We were sitting around our new dining room table that was left behind by the original owners enjoying the tasty food with only chewing sounds and plate clattering from us all. 

I got the lucky job of doing the dishes afterwards, which is the absolutely grossed thing when food from someone else's plate touches my hand - just don't look at it Dylan - I tell myself. After the war with the dishes, I really hate that chore okay, I went upstairs to my room that had my own bathroom, how cool! I undressed my two-day-old clothes and stepped into the steaming hot shower. I lathered up my washcloth and washed my face and body, not to forget behind the ears! I got out of the shower and dried off just enough to put on some fast-absorbing lotion before putting on my underwear and hopping into bed. "Time to mentally prepare for school next week." as I shut my eyes and fell asleep.   

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