Chapter 8 - The Revenge

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I could hardly sleep last night thinking of all the details of our revenge plan against Olivia and Markus. 

The plan:

First, I need to make sure the plan is actually believable. Olivia and Markus are always together, so why don't we make it look like they had a secret child and aborted it because Olivia didn't want it? Oh and we can add that Markus is seducing other girls in the school getting them pregnant and not wanting to care for the child.

Second, I need a good way to spread the word - posters, flyers, and an announcement over the speaker should work great. 

Third, let the imagination work wonders, and my story/lie disappears.

After explaining this to Sam and Sarah at the school entrance, they thought this was a great idea to get back at those assholes that ruined Sam's and my life. Meanwhile, there were still kids calling me names and threatening to chop off my you know what. Sam said, "I know how we can make the announcement!" "I know the perfect design for the poster and flyers!" Sarah added. "Great work! I got the perfect speech to end their miserable little lives," I said in an evil voice. 

The school day was moving fast, but so was our plan. Sarah snuck away to design and print up the poster and flyers while Sam was working on getting access to the announcement room. I already had my juicy speech ready to go. We sat down for lunch at our usual table with random kids walking by purposely brushing up against me and still name-calling. I noticed Carson turned around a few times to either look at me or see if I was okay - I wasn't sure if I was still invited to his house tonight or not. As I was thinking that, he gets up and moves to our table. He sits next to Sarah and looks at me. "We are still meeting up tomorrow night at my house, right? My parents are out for date night," he curiously asked. "Yes, of course. I was hoping that this talk about me seducing other boys was not going to stop that," I replied. Carson looked at me with a cute and confused face, "don't worry about that. I asked all of the boys on the baseball team if they have ever been seduced by anyone, let alone a guy named Dylan - they all said no." I smiled at Carson and thanked him for not believing the lies being spread around the school. He got up from our table and threw away his food and left for his class - and so did we.

Our last class was almost about to end and I raised my hand to be excused to the restroom. As I got up, I noticed Olivia and Markus sitting in the corner. I turned around with a smirked on my face and said, "get ready freaks" - in my head of course. Sarah had one less class than me, so she had already started putting up the poster and flyers throughout the school: A big ass poster of a smiling Olivia waving at her child being shipped off to another country and flyers showing Markus in a bedroom with a line of women in chains becoming his next victim. "Ooohoho, this is gonna be great!" I said. I smiled at Sarah and ran down the hall to find Sam outside a door which must have been the announcement room. I sat down in the chair, took a deep breath and began my sweet speech... "Attention Rollings High," I started. "From what I hear, there are a lot of hurt people walking around our hallways because of two misleading average joes that think they are the rulers of our school: Olivia and Markus. Well, I am giving this announcement today about some digging I did on the both of them... so get ready. Olivia is a dark soul. She doesn't care about you and she doesn't even care about her own child. That's right, she gave birth to a baby last year and aborted it because she didn't want to take care of it - there is even a picture of her smiling waving goodbye, how disgusting. Markus is no better either. He has gotten multiple women pregnant by seducing them, even some from our own school. And if that girl comes forward to say she's keeping the baby, Markus denies it's his and refuses to contact that girl ever again. I just thought you should know the truth about Olivia and Markus. Have a good weekend everyone."

Seconds later the bell rings to signal school is over. Kids pile out from every classroom talking about Olivia and Markus. Then everyone notices the flyers of Markus and poster of Olivia and start pointing and laughing. Honestly, I felt so good inside that they got what they deserved. I exited the announcement room and walked down the crowded hallway towards Sarah and Sam. We walked through the front doors together smiling knowing those bitches won't bother anyone else again. To add to the pleasure, we saw Olivia and Markus running out of the entrance completely red-faced towards their car. Other students were following them and calling them names with one student throwing an egg at their windshield - I seriously had no idea where one can get an egg at school but that was the cherry on top. Olivia started the car and they drove away very fast. 

"Can you believe it!?" Sam asked excited. "We uprooted their lives like they did to us." Sarah and I nodded and smiled in agreement when our mom pulled up and honked the horn. We both hugged Sam goodbye and hopped in the car to head home. On our drive home I got a text message from Carson saying, "That was one hell of a speech you gave. Can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow night!" 

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