Chapter 11 - My Love

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On our way home, mom asked me, "did you have fun with Sam and Carson?" "I had a great time, we really got to know each other," I said happily. "Good for you honey! I'm so glad you are liking our new town," she replied - I most definitely was. We arrived home and Sarah was the first to come downstairs and ask me how it went. We went somewhere private and I told her everything that happened, sparing her the vivid details. "OHHH, Dylan! I'm so happy for you!" she gleefully said. The rest of the night was pretty much normal, with us eating dinner and doing our chores. I went to bed that night feeling so happy and content with myself. I never thought I was gay, let alone like another boy I thought before falling into a deep sleep. 

The next morning, I woke up and took a shower, and got dressed for school. I fixed up my hair and put on a simple outfit that consisted of my silver bracelet and white vans. I went downstairs to eat some breakfast and enjoy my Sunday. 

The following day, I was really excited to go to school and see Carson again. I ate breakfast and hopped into the car along with Sarah. We arrived at school and as I opened my door I saw Sam smiling, very largely. "Hey, Sam!" I said. "Hey, Dylan and Sarah!" she said pitchy. We said bye to our mom and shut the door. "SOO how was your 'date'?" Sam asked all jittery. I began to tell her what I told Sarah, of course, leaving out the details. "So... are you guys like a couple now or was it a one-time thing?" she curiously asked. "I'm not sure, but I did enjoy it!" I replied back. We talked more while walking to our first class. Sam left and went to her class as Sarah and I entered our classroom. I notice Olivia and Markus weren't there and chuckled. I then saw Carson smiling at me, so I smiled back. "Hey cutie," he softly said, while kissing me on the lips. I think every person in the room saw it because it was dead silent. I looked around the room at staring faces and responded back to Carson saying, "good morning beautiful!" 

I never thought I would like another boy, but Carson opened my eyes to the possibility of being with someone like him. And if it only lasts a few months, years, or a lifetime, I am so happy I tried something new.

Thank you everyone for reading!! This is my first-ever Wattpad story, so I hoped you enjoyed it! These ideas just came from my mind, and the details come as I am writing. Love you all! 


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