Chapter 5 - Figuring Out Who I Am

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"That was pretty boss bitch of you handling Olivia and Markus like that," I said rewardingly. "Thanks. Just don't look at them or talk to them, they can twist any story into something embarrassing and stupid," she concernedly said to me. I didn't say much as I assumed it was about her "turning" Carson gay. After our last two classes, Sam got picked up by her dad and I met up with Sarah outside of school. "So... did you make any new friends besides Sam?" I asked uncertainly. "No one in particular other than Sam," she quickly responded. I nodded my head and we started walking out towards the street so our mom wouldn't need to drive through the parking lot to pick us up. As we were walking to the end of the parking lot, I noticed the baseball field. Sarah noticed I noticed the field and tauntingly went "ooohhhh." My face turned red and punched her arm firmly.

I immediately saw Carson practice throwing a baseball to another teammate but I didn't tell Sarah for obvious reasons. I did ask myself one question... why am I so infatuated with this boy? I never thought of liking a guy ever, especially romantically or sexually, but Carson had this weird aura around him that made me question myself. And let's be clear, I have only dated girls in Texas. Sure, there were times when the guys were all naked in the locker room after PE, but none of us ever got erotic - we just made fun of each other. 

We continued walking the sidewalk until a black SUV pulled up next to us and rolled down the window mysteriously saying,  "need a ride?" Our mom was the corniest jokester, but totally knew how to make us laugh. Nonetheless Sarah and I jumped in and we took off back home. On the way mom asked us the obvious question, "well, how was the first day of school? Make any new friends?" Sarah replied, "no, but Dylan did!" "Is that right, Dylan?" mom asked interested. "Her name is Sam, she helped me find one of my classes and we ironically had the same classes the rest of the day," I said, purposley leaving out the embarrassing Carson story. "Well, I'm happy you made a new friend, maybe you can invite her over sometime so your dad and I can meet her?" mom curiously asked. "Maybe... but I need to get to know her a little better though," I said bluntly. 

We arrived back home an went inside to see Nate at the top of the staircases. "Yooo, what up little gamer?" he hated that phrase. "Dude, imma beat your ass when I get older if you keep saying that," he angerly replied. "Okay, okay, chill. How was your day though?" "It was fine, but I'm more curiose about your and Sarahs day," Nate curiously asked. I basically told him what I told mom on the caride home, which he thought was going to be a little more dramatic since we were the new kids. After the dramatic story, I went upstairs to take a shower before dinner. I stripped all of my clothes and started the shower. While the shower was warming up, I posed in front of the bathroom mirror. I am 5'11" 158lbs with a slim body, but enough definition to see a few abs, nice calves, and toned muscles. As I was flexing in the bathroom, I thought of Carson, why? I don't know. The shower was getting steamy and I started to get excited - the first time ever while thinking of another boy. I did my best to ignore this thought about him throughout the shower and I, luckily, calmed down. I soon heard my mom call me down for dinner, which was perfect timing.

I turned off the shower and went to put on my underwear and pjs to head downstairs for dinner. Tonight was taco night and it smelled delicious as with all of my mom's cooking. Nate, Sarah, and I ate like deprived children until we were full. We had the job of cleaning up since dad and mom prepped and cooked the meal. When I was done with my task, I went upstairs to my room and started on an essay for my English class, which was to describe my Christmas break. After about an hour, I was getting tire and bored so I decided to head to Nate's room to play some video games with him. The obvious game was Fornite and he was an absolute beast at the game. I played three games with him and we won all three - go figure. 

Mom came in and said, "it's time for bed boys." I slowly got up from the floor and hugged her good night and went to my room. I brushed my teeth and went pee before taking my pjs off. I slipped into my cool bed and looked up at the ceiling. Randomly, another thought about Carson emerged. I started to get excited again and started to stroke my thing through my underwear. This odd thought kept progressing and I eventually pulled my underwear down and started to jack off. After 10 minutes, I unloaded onto my chest trying to not get it on my sheets. After my warm and fuzzy sensation faded, I got up and carefully went to the bathroom to clean up. I washed my hands and slid back into bed to immediately fall asleep.  

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