Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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A surprising announcement came from Mom and Dad the morning after Christmas day. "Dylan, Sarah, Nate, we're moving to Wisconsin." After a wonderful Christmas day, getting everything we all asked for, this news was certainly shocking. All three of us looked at each other, probably thinking the same thing, "What the hell?" Sarah, my sister and oldest sibling (18), broke the somewhat awkward silence first saying "Why?"

Dad replied back with the understandable confusion we all were having, "The work is just better, plus we can afford to buy a bigger house and have more space." I wasn't too thrilled about this news because I have a routine, I have friends, and I enjoy where we live now. Nate, my brother, and the youngest sibling (14) - (I'm 17 by the way) didn't really mind the thought of moving. All he wanted was a space to work out and play his video games. Sarah and I were the only two that had lives where we live now and to just think to give it up to move to Wisconsin? After more questions and interrogation by my sister and me, we both knew there was no chance in hell we were going to "win" and stay here in Texas. 

A week goes by with me meeting up with my soon-to-be old friends to break them the news about my family's move across Earth. They all thought I was joking when I told them straight up, but they soon saw the seriousness on my face and felt bad. For some reason, they all tried to scheme ways to "kidnap" me so I wouldn't leave, which made me laugh and dread leaving even more. Of course, I can text, call, and facetime them, but that just isn't the same. Friday night of that week I came home from being out with my friends for the last time and saw Sarah sitting on the couch, the last thing that was in our living room. I said quietly said "hey" and she looked up from her face being squished in a pillow - all red and...wet. "Uhh, did you tell Jen you were leaving?" I asked calmly. She just shook her head a buried her face back into the wet pillow. Let me tell you something, Jen is like a sister to Sarah, they have literally gone through everything together; puberty, breakups, odd fashion trends, sleepovers, pranks, hell, even their periods happened within the same week - don't ask me how I know that.

This was a big moment for Sarah to essentially "break up" with her best friend/sister. I only hope that she can recover from this without becoming depressed and dressing all in black, though that would be bad-ass if she could rule our new school, then again, she will probably just sit in a corner and stare at people - she's shy like that. Anyways, I'm not taking the move as "devastating" as my sister but I will certainly miss my friends and my town. 

The next morning arrives and I get up out of my bed. I normally sleep in my underwear but last night I slept in my clothes because everything was already packed and semi-cleaned. At about 8AM, the movers arrived to retrieve the last of our belongings, they even touched Sarah's wet ass pillow on the couch - I hope he washed his hands. My Dad and Mom were the last ones out of the house and locked the door leaving the keys in a lockbox for our real estate agent to sell the house. We crammed into our GMC Yukon and just like that... off to Wisconsin, the land of cheese. 

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