Chapter 6 - Carson Likes Me?

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I woke up the next morning a little early knowing I need to take a shower cause, you know why. I took off my underwear, this time skipping the flexing in the mirror, and just waited for the water to get warm. I took a quick shower and got out to put on a small amount of lotion and deodorant. I went to my dresser and found clean underwear and a black pair of chino pants. Paired with that were a white shirt and powder blue long-sleeve crewneck. Of course, I had my silver bracelet and white vans. I ran downstairs to be served eggs and toast with a cup of o.j. which hit the spot. I was excited to go to school and see Sam, even though what she did to me yesterday. Sarah and I hopped in our car and dad drove us to school. "Now don't cause too much trouble kids," he said playfully. "Don't give us any ideas!" Sarah jokingly replied. 

Day 2 of school I said in my head. "At least we know where our classes are," I chuckled. Sarah smiled and we walked to our first class together. As we walked into the class, I noticed none other than Carson sitting in the front row. "Oh, Jesus," I said in my head. I think I nodded at him but couldn't feel anything. I sat down and focused on my paper like I was actually doing work. Class ended what felt like minutes later and again, I waited outside the doorway for Sarah. I notice Carson walk out before Sarah and spots me looking at him. He stops and turns towards me - my heart is starting to race and I don't know why! He stops about a foot from my face with me being slightly taller. "Hey, Dylan right?" he curiously asked. "That's me," I politely replied. "If you're not busy after school, you should watch us play baseball against our arch-nemesis," he informed. "Sounds fun, I'll be there, and probably Sarah too!"  "Great! Cya both there!" he cheerfully said. Right when Carson walks away, Sarah emerges from the classroom and annoyingly goes "oooooo." "Bro, chill, he invited us to his baseball game, not a freaking date," I meanly responded back. Sarah just rolled her eyes and walked away to her next class.

I spotted Sam down the hallway and quickly caught up to her. "Hey, Sam!" I yelled. She turned around and saw me quickly walking towards her. "Hi, Dylan!" As we walked to class together, I told her that Carson invited me to his baseball game tonight. She looked at me with a surprised face. "Wow, you guys are moving fast." "What are you talking about? I'm not gay, and it's a baseball game, not a dumb ass date. Jeez." I annoyingly replied. We completed our two classes before lunch and then headed to the cafeteria. Sarah was already sitting at our table from yesterday pointing towards Carson with one hand blocking and the other pointing. I must also mention that she was making one ugly face while doing that. Anyways, Sam and I sit down and take out our lunch. Surprisingly, there were no Carson jokes and we just had a normal, stress-free lunch - thank the lord!

Our next three classes breeze by as my excitement builds up for the baseball game, and not the dirty kind of excitement. As Sam, Sarah, and I arrived at the baseball field, we noticed there were quite a lot of people there. The stands were half-full of cheering parents for both sides. We found a row close to our home team and a great view of first base and home plate. I noticed Carson was playing first base. He looked into the stands and saw me looking at him and waved. We all waved back, including Sam yelling, "Go, Carson!" The game was great with our team winning 3 to 1. We moved closer to the dugout where Carson came over to say thanks for watching the game. He then asked Sam and Sarah to leave us alone for a second, which I was wondering why until he said... "Dylan, I think you're really good-looking. I don't know if you're gay or not but if you are, I would like to get to know you more." I was shocked by this direct line of talk, but it was nice he didn't assume I was gay while also making the conversation less awkward. I simply replied, "I am no... well, at least I don't think I am gay. Ever since we met at the cafeteria I have been thinking about you." I hesitantly added, "we can get to know each other better if you want, and see if this works out." "Don't feel obligated at all, figure yourself out if you need to first. Here is my number," he reassuringly replied.

"What was that about?" asked Sam. "I think I'm going to 'get to know' Carson better. He gave me his number." I calmly but shakily said. "Holy shit balls, you better do this. Who cares if it doesn't work out, at least you know for sure if you are or aren't gay," Sam said with Sarah shaking her head in agreement. "Wow, such support from you Sam, thanks," I responded in a dumb voice. After that conversation ended, Sam saw her mom's car and said goodbye while Sarah and I walked to the end of the parking lot like yesterday. As our mom pulled up and we got in the car, I noticed Olivia and Markus underneath the bleachers right where we were talking... 'Oh, shit' went through my head.

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