Chapter 9 - Carson and I

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It was Saturday morning. I woke up with a pep in my step knowing I was headed over to Carson's house for the first time. I was excited for some odd reason. I don't know if it was because I really liked him or if its because I am more accepting of who I really am. Either way, I am really excited to go and see him. I stripped my underwear and got in the shower to quickly rinse off. After about 5 minutes I turned off the shower and put on my lotion and went to search for clean underwear. I found a nice pair of darker-washed levis, a black t-shirt, a blue and black plaid button-down long shirt, and a larger navy blue jacket. Of course, I had my silver bracelet and my white vans to complete my outfit. I also styled my hair just like I would any other day. 

I went downstairs to breathe in the smell of eggs, bacon, potatoes, pancakes, and toast - oh that always smells fantastic. Nate, Sarah, dad, mom, and I all ate together at the table and talked about our future day. Nate had his video games tournament to be a part of and Sarah was going to be on facetime with Jen the rest of the day. I mentioned I was going to hang out with Sam and Carson at Carson's place for a few hours. Nate didn't care, but Sarah looked at me remembering it was "date night." Mom and dad were happy that I was making friends and were happy to drive me to his house. We all finished breakfast and cleaned up - each of us kids doing our different parts. I wasn't leaving for Carson's place until later in the afternoon, so I didn't have much to do between now and then. Right when we completed our duties, Sarah dragged me upstairs to her room where we sat on her bed and started asking me questions about what might happen. "Well, are you going to kiss him, ohh, maybe cuddle, or do the thing!?" She said winking at me. "I'm just going over there to hang out, and if things go that way, I'll just go with it if I'm comfortable," I carelessly replied. "Hmmm, okay, but tell me everything when you get back!"

A few hours go by and I was playing some video games with Nate before his tournament was about to start. I heard mom call from downstairs "Lunch time!" she yelled. We all arrived a few minutes apart since we were doing such important things. Anyway, I finished lunch and it was nearly time to go. I grabbed my backpack and phone and headed out the door with mom. We got in the car and departed to Carson's house. On the way, I was getting nervous and a little sweaty, but was probably more of my excitement to get to know him. 20 minutes later we arrived at his house. Mom kissed me and said, "have a fun time, see you at 7 or 8?" "Probably 7, but I will text you if it will be later," I replied unknowingly. I got out of the car and walked up to the front door and knocked.

Carson opened the door a few seconds later. He was dressed in a grey t-shirt and black chinos  with socks on. "Hey Dylan! Come on in!" he happily said. I smiled and walked in while also taking my shoes off. His house was nice, but certainly smaller than ours. Anyways, he asked if I wanted taquitos since he was about to put some in the oven. I certainly accepted and he put a few in the pan for me. "Want to watch a movie, play video games, or just talk?" he said. "I don't know, I would like to get to know you more," I nervously said. "Okay, come sit on the couch and  we can talk," Carson said eagerly. 20 minutes went by in a flash. We talked about a lot of interesting topics about his life as well as mine. We heard the oven beep signaling our taquitos were done. We got up and ate at the kitchen bar gobbling them up quite fast. "Hmph! That was good!" Carson exclaimed. "Man, I haven't had those in so long, that was really good. Thank you!" I said. "Not a problem, let go sit back on the couch and see what's on TV?" he replied. I nodded my head and we both went back to the couch. 

He turned on the TV and turned it to my ultimate favorite show; Below Deck. "My favorite!" I yelled. Carson looked at me smiling and said, "I freaking love this show too!" We watched about 45 minutes of the show until one of those uncomfortable scenes appear. Carson didn't seem to mind, but I found it a little embarrassing. I think he noticed because he muted the show almost instantly and turned towards me. "Look, I know we hardly know each other, but I think you are really cute," he admitted. I looked at him with a blushing face and said, "thank you Carson. I think you look cute too." Carson blushed when I said that and then he started to slowly lean over towards me. Our faces were 2 inches a part looking into each other's eyes. His dark forest green eyes and his foresty smell made me relax in a somewhat uncomfortable situation. After a few seconds, he fully leaned in and lightly kissed me. 

I immediately got turned on from this affection and Carson noticed too. He leaned in again and kissed me longer. I returned the affection and kissed him back. Before I could think, we were literally making out. He stopped kissing for a second and pulled away. He got up from the couch and walked closer to me. "Tell me if I go too far," he kindly asked. He then straddled me and started to softely kiss me again. I let out a small moan and was starting to get hard. Carson's warm 5'10" 155lbs ish body was straddleing my hips and I was enjoying it. He then took off his shirt to reveal a toned body showing abs, and an overall beautiful, fit, figure. My erection was getting so hard that it started to become uncomfortable, so I gently grabbed Carson and rolled him over so now I was on top. I took off my shirt to reveal my upper body. Carson gently moved his hands over my abs. It felt ticklish but very warm. And then I felt his erection from me sitting on him. He stopped me and quietly said, "Let's go upstairs to my room." I looked at him smiling and grabbed his hand and pulled him off the couch so he could lead the way.  

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