Chapter 16

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Two months and three days. 

Two months and three days are how long Bucky and Ana were being kept at HYDRA's base in the Azzano. Though if you asked either of them, they wouldn't be able to give you an exact time frame. Meals were given out irregularly- no natural light was let inside the cells. Nobody was allowed in our out except for the assigned guards, Zola, and Schmidt. And there were of course the brainwashings.

Explosions rocked through the base, waking them: gaunt cheekbones and hollow eyes. Bucky started murmuring, the same phrases over and over again.

"Barnes, James Buchanan. Sergeant. 32557038." His voice picked up the intensity with each repetition. "32557038. Barnes,  Sergeant. James Buchanan." The surgeon had left some tools from before when he had examined the corpse of someone who had not managed to survive.

Ana tried at her bonds, she didn't know what it was, but something was definitely wrong, she had no orders- nothing to do. She knew that somewhere she had to have some purpose- something that she knew she could follow. And now she's decided to find it.

Heaving against the restraints, she finally manages to slacken the ones around her waist and hands- just enough for her to pull her hand out from beneath the fabric. It still isn't enough to reach the scalpel. Inching down, she tried to add length to her already outstretched arm. 

Her thighs strain as the restraints tighten, but she keeps shoving herself lower and lower until the edge of the tray touches her outstretched fingertips. She turns her head around carefully- Bucky has fallen asleep, still muttering under his breath.

Ana took a deep breath, stretching her arm so her fingers brushed the edge of what she hoped was the scalpel, and pulled it off of the tray- inhaling sharply as it threatened to keel over onto the floor.

With a quick motion of her hands, she cut through the fabric holding her legs in place. She scoots out from under the top restraint that had been digging into her chin. Dropping down onto the cool metal floor, creeping out from in between the equipment and gurney. She leaves Bucky behind, all she needs are her orders.

Creeping out into the dark hallway she hears footsteps behind her- heavy footfalls, somebody large. A silhouette of a large man emerges from the darkness, he points at her- yelling something unintelligible. It sounded a little like.

"Ere is Puckie?" She runs away from the man, fists pumping and her ankles screaming as she digs her toes into the cement floor, her joints groaning from weeks- months of disuse.

She reaches a door to the outside, a breeze flowing through the cracks. Suddenly the whole building jolts with an explosion outside- guns go off as fires roar through the turf. Ana shoves the door open- her ears assaulted by the noise.

Men rush along the open field, running away from uniformed guards. Blue rays shoot from the guns as men go down, disintegrating into mere particles in the blink of an eye. Ana rushes through- towards a tank where two men are climbing in.

She quickly hops onto the wheels and then hoists herself over the ledge- the sounds of battle dulling around her.

"You speak German?" The one standing by the window asks the one sitting in the seat.

"Natürlich, natürlich spreche ich Deutsch. (Of course, of course, I speak German)" The one she can't see replies, "Three semesters at Howard. Then I switched to French. Cuter girls."

The other one shakes his head, and chuckles despite himself, "Didn't ask for a resume."

"I didn't either. What are our orders?" She asks quietly. The man whips around in shock.

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