Chapter 24

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The drive back to Peggy's in silence. Jarvis doesn't seem uncomfortable at all. He lets them out of the car and drives off into the dark alleyways of the city. 

"Thanks for letting me stay, I don't know if my apartment is still mine." Ana laughs uncomfortably. Peggy looks at her sympathetically as they walk towards the dim building, one light is on inside and the rest is dark. 

"It's fine. But you seemed quiet tonight- is everything okay?"

Several thoughts rushed through Ana's mind at that moment. No, I'm not. I don't know who I am, I don't know why I'm here but I have the feeling I'm going to have to kill you soon. But she doesn't mention any of that. "I'm fine." She mutters, when Peggy looks at her dubiously she adds, "Really, I'm fine. It's tough getting adjusted after such a long time. And those dumbass jocks in the SSR aren't helping."

This elicits a chuckle from Peggy, "I'd tell you they aren't as bad as they seem, but they are." They laugh at this, somebody across the street looks at them strangely, but they don't notice. 

"Guess I'm going to have to teach them some manners." She shrugs. 

Peggy stops herself from laughing, taking a second to compose herself. "I'm sure they'd love that," She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. 

"Oh yeah." Ana catches her meaning, "I'm sure they would. Especially, Thompson, he looked delighted to see me." 

"He'd love to hear you talk about being an agent. I can see his face as he slowly goes insane." They walk inside the building, pausing their conversation as they make their way up the stairs to Peggy's apartment. 

Ana sighs, making her way across the landing, Peggy gestures to a door to her left, "I guess I'm not getting my desk any time soon."

"Wouldn't count on it." Peggy makes a shushing motion with her finger, Ana quiets down as Peggy pushes the door open slowly. A woman is dozing on a fold-out bed. Peggy walks over to her, looking down at her as her chest rises and falls. She tiptoes over to the couch, she takes the papers strewn over it, and places them on a small vanity. With the bed folded out the space seems cramped, but cozy. 

Ana takes off her shoes and lays down on the couch as Peggy brings her a duvet and pajamas. She then goes into the bathroom to change, giving Ana the privacy to do the same. She changes into the pajamas, a slip with long sleeves. Peggy emerges from the bathroom and settles down on her side of the bed. She turns the light out. Ana climbs under the duvet and waits for sleep to come. Neither of them dare talk about what had happened earlier. 

Ana looks down at the street below her. Everyone is rushing to get to or from somewhere, nobody notices the black-clad figure staring down at them. Suddenly a woman emerges from a building, her blond hair is cut short. She wears a long jacket and scarf that whips in the wind. Ana's gaze zeroes in on her, she slides down the roof onto the fire escape.

Making quick work of the steps, Ana follows the woman as she weaves through the droves of people in the streek of Krakow. Every time to woman turns around Ana dashes behind someone or pretends to be looking at something extremely interesting in the distance. 

They reach an abandoned street. The woman fumbles for her keys, Ana approaches her slowly. "Olga Niedzielska?" The woman turns sharply to face Ana. She doesn't recognize her, not yet. 

"How do you know my name?" She asks, backing up against the door. 

"You were an old friend of my mother's." Ana walks up to Olga, putting her hand on the knife hidden under her shirt. The woman's gaze shifts to the bulge on her hip, her poorly hidden gun. 

"What do you want from me?"

Ana pulls out the knife and plunges it into Olga's stomach. The woman had been distracted by the gun and so it took her a while to process what was going on. Ana looked into the woman's eyes. She saw the realization dawn on her, saw the recognition, the pain, and yet the wall in her mind didn't crumble. She looked at her as coldly as she would at any other target. 

"Ana-" The woman chokes out, blood running from the corner of her mouth, "What have they done to you?" These are her last words and Ana pulls the knife out and slices it across her throat. Leaving her dead on the steps of her own home. 

What have they done to you?

What have they done to you?

What have they done to you?

What have they done to you?

What have they done to you?

Ana wakes, her mind buzzing. A pain in her chest rises, and she feels her lungs constrict as she realizes that she doesn't remember who the woman was. She doesn't remember what they did to her. 

"Who are you?" The woman sleeping in the bed is awake, her voice is faint as she stares at Ana.

A/N: Double chapter for you my lovelies.


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