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"Hao?" Jun asked stepping into the room. "Yeah?" I asked. "Um, Seungcheol hyung told me to take you to get my clothes from my house" he said reluctantly.

"Okay, I'm fine with that get ready foxie" I watched his face brighten at the nickname. "Mmm" he quickly got an outfit form my closet than when to the bathroom to change.

I smiled at the boys actions. I couldn't believe he was actually older than me he acted like a baby. To me at last not so much to the others.

He came back. "Hey, we kinda match" he wore a similar outfit to my just in blue. "Couples outfit" he laughed. I smiled at him.

Minghao's jacket's design is different and in red↗︎

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Minghao's jacket's design is different and in red↗︎

I held my hand out to him. He took it paying little attention. "Can you drive" I asked. "Yeah, I got my licence at 17" he replied. "Same" I got a random pair of keys then found the car they belonged to.

"Why so many?" He asked. Their were all types of cars and a motorcycle for each member. "I don't know really... There are more cars than members" I laughed.

He took the keys from me and dropped my hand. I immediately hooked my phone up to the radio. We drove in silence.

"Are you okay with me coming in?" I looked him in the eyes to let him know I meant it. "Yeah... They'll believe me more if your here with me" he spoke.

"I follow you then" I did just that I knew for only speak when needed. "Jun" a little boy screamed sprinting to Jun and jumping on him. Jun stayed surprisingly stable.

"Yangie~this is my friend Minghao. I'll be staying with him for a while okay?" Jun spoke in entirely Chinese. He obviously knew the language well as he spoke with confidence and speed.

"Okay! H-Hello I'm Fengjun but everyone calls my Yangyang" the little boy spoke in broken English.

"He speaks Chinese baby"I smiled at Jun's nickname for him but I took the hint to ay something.

"Hello Yangyang! I'm your brother's friend you can trust okay!" I smiled at him. "Okay!" He cheered as he reached from Jun's arm to put his around my neck. Bringing Jun extremely close.

"Okay, baby why don't you go upstairs while I get somethings from my room. Actually, have you eaten today" Yangyang fixed his position off of me and Jun stepped away.

"No! Mommy left early today" he whined. "Is Samuel here?" Jun seemed annoyed.

"Nope! Mommy forgot to call her last night he's not here" now I was concerned.

"How long have you been here alone" I asked. " A Couple of hours"Jun turned to me. I knew what he wanted. There was no way we leave him alone. "We should stay" I spoke.

"Really? You don't have to you can leave of you want I know the the way and-" I cut off his rambling. "It's okay Foxie, I like kids" he gave me a smile then turned back to Yangyang.

"Okay baby, we'll be staying with you today. Go to your room I'll go make you some food" he sat the boy down after giving him a hug. Yangyang gave me a quick hug then ran to his room.

"Thank you for staying Hao. Really you can leave whenever you want" I knew he was sincere but I shut him down. "I don't want to leave Junnie" I smiled at him.

He led me to the kitchen where I helped him make something. We all ate together, before the two of us went upstairs to pack.

We left about five minutes before his parents came. As he said he didn't want to talk to them at the moment. He left a note on the table.

Hybrids and Mafias|Haojun/JunhaoWhere stories live. Discover now