《Shopping district》

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This is a story based off of angst and it has been inspired by a few different stories. So if you recognise a situation in this, then it might not be my original idea. If you're not sure, just ask :]

This story also had 958 words :) so if you like it, recommend it to a friend or someone you think will enjoy it


•Grian POV•

I woke up. The usual, but this time.. I had a sudden rush of energy? I don't know why. As obviously, I had just woken up. But I knew I couldn't go do anything productive to use up that energy as I hadn't stepped foot outside of my hobbit hole in ages.. It would all just seem so awkward. And I'm not the type of person who likes awkward things..

"Come on G. Do it for the others.." I say as I gathered my confidence and opened the door. "ACK-!" The sun was umm.. very bright?? Who am I kidding. It was painfully bright!!
Mumbo came rushing over to me. I'm guessing he heard the scream? Oh well. My energy had almost been completely burned out by the sun.

"Grian!" Mumbo shouted for me as I stepped onto the grass and closed the door behind me. "Mumboooo-!!" I tried to sound as casual as possible but it was a terrible attempt.

"You alright G? You don't sound too great-" Mumbos questions were too much for right now so I just made up a lazy excuse.

"Yeah- just haven't been out in a while. Pretty sure the sun burned my insides out lol" And of course, it being Mumbo, he bought it-

"oh alright- but me and the other hermits were worried-! Why didn't you come out in so long?!"

"Don't be too worried mumbo- I was just sleeping.. Alot of sleeping.. you know me! I love sleep!"

"I suppose that is true.. But next time let us know! X and I were terrified because one moment you're planning a project with us and then the next no one can contact you!"

"I guess that would've concerned me too- sorry. I'll let you know next time."

"Thanks G, well. Imma head out because I need to help false with some redstone. See you around!" Mumbo said, while taking off with his rockets in hand. I decided that I would go to the shopping district and treat myself to something nice. The barge did give me alot of diamonds. 'Oh my god.' I thought to myself as I slowly realised.. "I HAVENT RE-STOCKED THE BARGE IN AGES!"

A sudden wave of negative thoughts hit me all at once.

"They're all going to hate me"

"I'm so lazy I couldn't restock one of the smallest shops"

"So many people are probably pissed off at me"

"I've wasted people's time"

"I wasted mumbos time by saying hi.."

I didn't want to think these things! I'm used to being the happy and cheerful hermit. Not the sad and depressed one! Ugh! I need to restock before I do anything for myself.

•After 2 hours of grinding•

"That should be enough for now.." I flew back over to the shopping district and gathered my diamonds (after restocking). Ok then. Where to first? I found myself wandering over towards a decor shop. 'Woahh!' I thought to myself as I looked around at the plants and aethstetics. I grabbed some mushrooms and fake vines and stored them in my shulker box, then I proceeded to walk back out the store.

"I wonder if there's a weapon shop.." I thought out loud. 'No! Don't think like that!' I sorted myself out and found myself in a weapon shop.. I grabbed an axe and a small looking pocket knife. "For self-defence... yeah.. self-defence.." I placed these new sharp objects carefully in my shulker before thinking that this was enough shopping for today.

It started raining as I headed out towards the park area and climbed onto a roof and watched as the sky turned into an autumn orange colour. The sun had vanished from the sky as I silently walked home in the cold, refreshing rain.

"See you tomorrow.." I said looking over to my photo of Taurtis, Sam, and myself in our high-school years before everything went.. downhill.. I felt my eyes start to tear up.. "it wasn't supposed to happen.."

"why did it happen?!"

" ITS ALL MY FAULT!" I cried, holding the photo in my arms. "I'll find a way.."

"I'll put us back together again.." The last comment made me smile.

"How could someone as pathetic as me get a killer, and someone I haven't seen in years, all in the same room again?!"

"Its official.. I'm a mad man. I need to be killed on the spot."

"I don't deserve the privilege of being in Hermitcraft."

"I took the chance of someone who actually deserved being on the server away."

"I'm a waste of space."

"I should've been the one in the hospital not TAURTIS GOD DAMNIT!!."
I cried as these words stabbed deeper then a knife.. deeper then Sam's knife..


Thanks for reading pt 1 :) and don't worry, in the other parts, the name of the story will start to make sense.
If you have any requests on what is in the next part, please so tell me as I can't be bothered to think at the moment lol-

This story took a pretty longggggg time so any feedback will be appreciated and taken seriously. (as long as its nice feedback)

This story also had 958 words :) so if you like it, recommend it to a friend or someone you think will enjoy it.

And yes, I put that at the start and end.

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