《°• Zebra •°》

425 3 2

Alr- so part 2 is out within a day somehow- I was working on it yesterday but all of a sudden, I get like no sleep and I'm writing to my hearts content.

To be honest, if I included the start to my story word cound, I'd have like a million- on that note,
1014 words
And if you have any ideas for part 3, let me know :)

•Grian POV•

"I can't..." I said to myself as I stopped crying. I picked myself up and walked over towards my shulker. "I guess I'll do some decorating.. can't be bothered for anything else right now.."

I opened the shulker box and grabbed the decorative items I had bought the day before and started decorating my base. (Specifically professor beaks area).

I picked up the shulker and realised it was still heavy. "I only bought the decorations didn't I-?" I questioned myself. I carried the sulker box over to my bed and placed it carefully down. I then slowly opened the box to find an axe and a pocket knife. "wha-?!" I was genuinely confused. "When did I get these?!" 'Ehh.. I'm not really complaining.' I picked up the pocket knife and axe. I then placed the axe up on my wall and put the pocket knife in my pocket.

•Mumbo POV•

I was placing a couple few blocks more onto my base as I got a message on my communicator


G- hey mumbo..?
M- what do you need? Let me guess. Redstone?
G- no.. not actually.
M- oh alright then- ill be over soon!

•Mumbo POV•

I finished placing my last few blocks as I flew over to Grians starter base. "I'm here-!" I said whilst knocking on his door. He came over to me, opened the door, and gave me a shulker box. "Woahhhh, what's this for?"
"Umm.. I had some extra decorations and I thought you would umm.. you know.. appreciate them..?"
"Thanks G-! I was actually running out and-" My eyes wondered away from Grian and further into his base. "Is that a new axe?" Grian looked startled.
"Yeah.. self-defence is important.." Grian replied with a sort of forced smile on his face. "Oh ok then," I replied trying not to scare the smaller Hermit. "Is that all?"

"Yeah.. Thanks for stopping by earlier even though you were busy-"

"Of course G! I was concerned so I decided to check up on you."

"Aww thanks Mumbo! Well- you should get going now and decorate your base. Gimme a call when it's done cause I wanna see it-!"

"Will do G see you later-!"

"Bye Mumbo!"

•Grian POV•

I gave Mumbo the spare decorations and shut the door. I walked towards my bathroom to brush my teeth as it was getting late. I picked up my toothbrush, and started brushing my teeth. Once I was done with that, I looked up into the mirror to see an uglier version of me looking back.

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