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Grian was sat with his back to a forest and his legs dangling from a cliff. The wind was blowing through his dirty blonde hair. "I miss you, mumbo.." ding! "Huh? Didn't I tell them not to contact me?" Grian checked his communicator.


Scar- G man. Where are you?!

G- looking for mumbo.

Scar- look, G. Please come back.. I miss you! Even jellie misses you!!

G- the others will probably just put me under
house arrest anyway so there's no point.

Scar- you can stay with me.?

Grian put his communicator down and thought for a few minutes. "Fine.." he huffed as he grabbed all of his things and flew to scars base.

Scars pov

Knock. I got up and rushed to the door. "G?!" He looked up at me, sadness in his eyes. I pulled him into a hug and he started sniffing. I assumed he was crying. "It's ok bud.. I've got you.."

After a while he seemed to calm down. "You ready to come in now?." He nodded.

Grian pov

Scar didn't actually want me here. He was just doing it out of pity. He must think I'm stupid. I know he hates me. Everyone does.. I should stop crying. This is embarrassing. "Yeah..." I walked behind scar into his house and sat on the sofa. My things placed next to me. "Umm.. scar.?"
"Yes Gri?" Scar looked up at me. I hesitated for a moment as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw scars reassuring smile. I seemed to calm down. "How.. How long am I allowed to stay here.?" Scar chuckled. He was probably laughing at my stupi- "as long as possible." Wait.. why didn't he say a short amount of time.? There's no way he actually wants me to stay.. but.. what if he did.?

"Thanks.. really scar, thank you.." he just smiled at me. All of a sudden I un-tensed. I felt safe with scar. Why.? "I'll go make us some food.. ok.? You can stay here or come with me if you'd like" i stood up and held scars hand.
"I wanna come with.." scar chuckled as we walked to the kitchen, fingers intertwined.

When he let go of my hand I felt alone.. I wanted to hold his hand again. No.. I needed to hold his hand again. Was I really this touch starved.? "What you making?" I said, taking a seat next to the island in the middle of the kitchen. "Well, mumbo told me I should try making his famous jacket potatoes, but I wanted to add my own twist. You like bacon?" Scar glanced at me with a smirk. "Mhm!" I felt my wings flapping behind me excitedly. This caused scar to chuckle again.
I felt my blood rush to my cheeks. "Sorry!" I tried holding my wings down but I failed miserably.

"Don't be sorry. It's cute." Scar looked over at the food in front of him and he started making jacket potatoes normally along with some bacon in a separate pan. I blushed a little brighter. "Scar!" He glanced back at me.
"What? It's true!" I felt my wings puff up. "Whatever.." I said, jokingly rolling my eyes.

Just then, there was a knock at scars door. "Upstairs! Go go go!" Scar hurried me up into his room and he shut the door. After a few moments I could hear someone else's voice in his home..


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