《•°●Fighting back the truth●°•》

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(1079 words)
Let me know what you wanna see in part.. 4?? I think- oh well- also, sorry for not posting in ages- I've been so busy with homework is unbelievable- just be glad you got another chapter out on a FRIDAYYY Because I usually spend my Fridays going to school, and then sleeping. Lmao- hope you enjoy this chapter :) a friend recommended this sort of theme but I changed it up a bit :D


°•Grian POV•°

I woke up and put on the TV, I then grabbed a blanket and sat and watched the news.

'MumboJumbo has been reported missing'

'What..?' Tears began to flood my eyes. "No.." I cried into my pillow as Xisuma had messaged the hermits


X) Can all hermits report to the shopping district.?

G) ok.

Stress) ok??

Iskall) ok- but why?

X) It's about Mumbo..

Iskall) oh ok?

°•Grian POV•°

I made my way over to the shopping district and sat in my seat. (Everyone had their own seats with their name on it) The other hermits all began to come over to the stage and sat in their seat. Iskall was placed next to me, so I hugged him as he walked towards me

X) "ahem.. May I have everyone's attention please? Thank you. You all may be wondering why I gathered you here today, and why it was about Mumbo. It turns out that he has been reported missing. The main suspect of this will be the last person he was with. Does anyone know who that is?"

Pearl) "I think I do.. I'm pretty sure Grian called him over to his yesterday- not entirely sure though"

Everyone looked over towards me. I couldn't help but feel my eyes start to water up. "I.." I tried explaining but I just couldn't.. Iskall held my hand as if to comfort me because he knew how close me and Mumbo were.

Iskall) "sorry. But Grian and Mumbo are probably closer then any of us. So I'd doubt he did anything."

G) "Thanks Iskall.."

Iskall) "no problem"

Pearl went over to X and by his expression, she had requested something..

Pearl) "Ok. Then how about Grian tells us what he was doing before Mumbo had showed up? And what he was doing after?"

I was shaking as tears began rolling down my face. Everyone was watching me. I couldn't handle this stress anymore.. "Fine.. if you really wanna know.."

Pearl) "Thank you for agreeing Grian."

G) "So before.. I was looking through the stuff I bought the day before which was decorations.. and after.. umm.."

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