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When X left, I grabbed my bag and started packing stuff. I was sick of this. I didn't want to be treated as a little, easy to manipulate, doll anymore! If Mumbo isn't here, I shouldn't be here either.

After I had packed my bags, I left a note on the kitchen table.


If you're reading this, I assume you have realised I'm missing. Sure, you care about me. All of you do. But I cared about ŢÆųřŢĮ§ and he was killed. So we don't all get what we want.

If you're wondering where I have gone, I'm looking for Mumbo. However, if I fail to find him, I will disappear. Forever.

Please don't come looking for me. If you want to, you can inform the other hermits. But I will repeat myself. DONT come looking for me..

And, to whoever is reading this, thank you.. thank you for caring.


(PS) Tell Scar he owns the barge until I return :)

°•Grian POV•°

I had just finished counting my diamonds until there was a knock on the door.

'SH"T-' I thought to myself as I hid the note and my bags. I then gathered the courage to open the door.

G)"Scar-! Nice to see you here!"
Scar)"Cut the act G.. what's wrong..? It looks like you've been crying.."

Neither me or Scar made eye contact for a solid 5 minutes. The silence was very clear it wanted to be noticed.

"I just miss Mumbo.. and it hurts how I'm the first suspect.. yk?" The longer I talked about Mumbo, the more u wanted to leave. My decision was final.

"Oh- well that was kind of rude.. you have personal items in here-! And she just barged in and rummaged through everything!" Scar replied. He sounded.. mad?? It was like a joking mad..

G) "U..umm.. Scar.. if I went missing. Or died.. what would you and the other Hermits do..?"

Scar) "Oh-! Why? And I don't really know.. I don't like thinking about this stuff.."

G) "I was just curious- and you are VERY. Optimistic- so I understand"

Scar hugged me and then flew off with his elytra. Finally.

I put the note back on the table, grabbed my bags and diamonds.

I flew north for about an hour until I came across a decent mountain to set up on for the night. The view was beautiful. I just wished Mumbo was here to see it with me.. FUCK. STOP. STOP DOING THAT..!
I hit myself in the head. "Stop. Mumbos gone.. but he's alive. It's fine."

Once I finished setting up camp, I fell asleep. I was exhausted. Being an avian and flying for hours on end is tiring, ok?!

OMG IM SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY! I made a small chapter for now, but I've had writers block for ages and there are a bunch of other stories that might get posted soon! So if you enjoy this, I hope you'll enjoy those too.

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