XVII: The Fogg Sea

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Not too happy with this chapter guys, and I'm sorry I left it at such a cliffhanger, but it really wasn't relivent to the plot, so I left the scene out for the sake of shortening this story.

~ Ivy

	If there was ever anything Sorren had expected to go wrong on this trip, it did not involve spooked horses

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If there was ever anything Sorren had expected to go wrong on this trip, it did not involve spooked horses. Then again, he thought as he lunged Thunder into a lope in the direction a startled Partridge had come from, I didn't exactly expect the giants, either.

Only moments earlier, Partridge and Klo had been sliding down the side of a snowy, sludgy, and very steep hill, too fast to stop. Sorren had expected that Klo was skilled enough to keep her horse upright, but he'd never foreseen that Partridge would come back up without her rider.

Sorren's heart raced in his chest, thumping a desperate rhythm as Thunder skidded down the exact same path that Partridge and Klo had followed. The purebred unicorn wanted to draw his sword, but he needed both of his hands on the reins at that moment just to avoid falling over. Thunder was a good horse, but she had her limits, and climbing had always been one of them.

In fact, the hill was so slick and steep that by the time Sorren and Thunder got to the bottom, the rider was surprised he had even made it down.

At the bottom of the hill, a gloomy, dark fog blanketed the floor thickly. As Thunder took a step forward, there was an ominous crunching sound beneath the horse's feet. Sorren cringed, guessing what the sound meant and dreading to know the truth.

"Klo?" He called, his voice softer than he intended as he reached for his belt slowly, ready to unsheathe his sword. The back of his neck was prickling so badly it almost felt like it was burning, and Sorren was sure that someone was watching him.

"Sorren?!" An alarmed cry sounded through the mist, making Sorren jump slightly and causing his breath to hitch. Seasoned warrior or not, Sorren had a very bad feeling about what was about to happen. He had a sneaking superstition that he knew exactly where they were.

"Klo, where are you?" Sorren forced himself to stay calm, and slowly the hairs on the back of his neck went back to normal.

For a long moment, there was no response, and Sorren's heart began to hitch with fear again. But then, he remembered where they were and stopped, calming again. "Klo, please answer me, I promise it will be alright," Sorren called, his voice much more calm than what he actually felt.

"I'm okay, Sorren, but I don't know where I am," A voice sounded faintly through the mist. "Do you think this is-"

"Yes," Sorren interrupted the girl before she could name the place aloud. As if speaking about it would make his reality all the more real. "At least we know we're getting close," The purebred unicorn added through the mist, straining his eyes as he tried to see around.

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