Author's Note

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So...what exactly do I say? I will admit, I cried, too, at the end of this. But I hate stereotyping, and too many books have unrealistically happy endings.

This was a journey to create. It started because I drew a map, and I wanted to create a world with it. That was back in July. This November, I entered it in NaNo WriMo, but 50,000 words wasn't enough, apparently.

This book was a lot of firsts for me. First time surpassing 50,000 words. First time writing a fantasy. First time writing in third person. First time switching points of views. First time trying to weave messages underneath my writing. And you know what? It worked.

This is only my first draft. It will be edited, revised, and rewritten a countless amount of times. I hope you guys will stick with me through it!

But, for right now, this is the end. I can't decide whether I'll put the second draft on this one or make a new book for it. Probably a new book. Edits will most likely be made on this draft.

I just want to say thank you to anyone and everyone who read this. Especially @rabitstar and @ericilia158, such amazing people who I am so close to, for sticking through it with me! Thanks to my mom, who has been an amazing supporter all this time! Thanks to @trellyasigma for tutoring me in writing all through this! I'm so grateful to each and every one of you readers, too, for being willing to give me a chance!

And, as always, have a great day!

~Crystal Goode

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