Chapter 6

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🌾🌾 Warning: Intense sexual scene, at times grostque, please read with caution and readers under the age of 18 should not read this chapter, there will be an idication that tells you when any sexual actions will start and stop, all will be in italics as well if anyone would like to skip those parts

Two months have passed and I am still stuck in this hell hole. Each day I am to earn my keep as Master's personal maid. I do not even know why he says that because I sure as hell do not want to be here. If I had a chance I would run as fast as I could from here. But right now I am imprisoned in Master's bed. Once again enduring the pain he inflicted upon me.

I can feel the burning sensation his flame is creating. I opened my eyes to see my arms engulfed with purple flames. Most would say it was painful but not me. No, I ignore it and push it out of my mind. The mind controls the body and I can control both my mind and my body.

Sir tells m e none of the other girls took this long to break. I will not break, I vowed. I will satay strong and avenge my sisters death. I will find a way out of here but until then Io have to play stupid.

“ start school today.” I heard Master finish.

“What?” I exclaimed, surprised.

“You will start school today, Sir will take you. You have mastered the elements and how to fight. Now you need to go back to school before anyone gets suspicious. Don't worry my darling fire princess, I will send two of my loyal subjects to school with you. They have already been enrolled and started in the beginning of the year. I'm not going to blow their cover seeing how they're not really high school students. I wont say if you know them or not because I don't really care. Although you will have at least one of them in most of your classes. They will watch your every move and make sure there is no funny business.” He said absently, while trailing his flame up and down my stomach.

There goes my chance of escaping, I thought bitterly. Drawing my eyebrows together I frowned, pretending to be baffled by his statement. “But I have been gone for such a long time. People will start to ask questions. What would I tell them?” I asked innocently.

“You don't tell them anything. I am quite sure they would start to ask more questions and fear you, if for any reason, any of the humans found you out. As long as you act like any other normal day everything will go smoothly.” Yeah a 'normal' day because living with him is totally normal, I thought sarcastically. “No one needs to know where you are living or how you got here.”

“Yes Master I understand . I know the school and the people in it. They will spread rumors, some of them true. What do I do then? What am I to do about my old friends?” I asked trying to see if there was anyway of escaping.

“If anyone asks just say you had some problems after your sister died but you're fine now. As for friends, do what you want. But no one is allowed to come back to this house. You are not allowed to go anywhere after school. Sir will drop you off in the morning and he will be picking you up after school. There will be severe consequences if you disobey me my darling fire princess. Do you understand?” He said threateningly.

“Yes, Master. Is there anything you want me to wear?” My hopes slowly being crushed with every word he uttered.

“Ah yes, I had the servants put brand new outfits in your wardrobe. Before you go to school I need you to sate all my needs seeing how you and I don't have as much time as we usually do. I guess we're gunna have to cram twenty-four hours into one. Oh well it will be even more pleasurable for me seeing how you will be in even more pain than you usually are.” He said, grinning maliciously at me.

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