Chapter 1

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I have made some changes to this story and havendecided to make this a spoof of the original. I started this when I hated everything and everyone. I am currently concentration on making the other version better and more of a action sci-fi story. So its going to be a lot different than this one. So please the other one first before reading this, as it is only a spoof of the final version. Thank you and continue to read at you're own risk.

(Sienna's POV)

It is cold outside very cold, my body was shivering and my teeth chattering. This place has an eerie feeling of death. I knew one thing, I did not want to be here. I had to be here though. I had to meet my sister who was also my best friend. I told her I needed to talk to her somewhere private. There was something I needed to talk to her about. Something important that made my blood run cold. Sensing a presence I whirled around.

"Adrian? W-what are you d-doing here?" I asked him as he frowned.

Of course he had to stare at me with his piercing brown eyes. His dark hair was cut short; military style, a total crew cut. He had a firm yet soft jaw structure. One that had my hands aching to stroke the seemingly soft granite smooth skin. He was dark skinned, as his mother is Jamaican, his dad an unknown as he left Adrian at the age of four. His arms were well muscled, his stomach finely toned that could be seen through his white T-shirt. His black leather jacket was left unzipped, his hands shoved deep into the pockets. Adrian's jeans hugged his narrow hips and strained to contain his muscular thighs. Just looking at him made my mouth water.

His frown turned into a smirk as he said, "Baby girl why don't you tell me that one yourself?"

"It's n-none of y-your b-business. I asked you f-first." I scowled, I hate it when I start to stutter, all because I was scared.

"Well baby girl guess your never gonna find out. Well, unless you skip with me tomorrow and meet me at our place." He frowned, looking worried, but it only lasted a second before turning back into a smirk.

I scrunched my nose, confused, "I don't know Adrian I have a test tomorrow. I can't skip."

His smirk grew at that, "Common my baby Zani you can figure something out. I bet it's your hated biology class anyway. You know the teachers always let retake the tests because they love you anyways."

"Yeah w-what ever, and s-stop calling me baby. I'm not yours." I let out a huff of annoyance.

Frowning again he seemed lost at thought. "Just be careful baby girl. I have to get going, I will see you tomorrow at our place." Smirking he said, "Say hi to your sister for me."

He winked and stepped closer to me, tugging on a piece of my hair before abruptly walking out of the alley. I watched his backside thinking about why he was here. I frowned at that. It was not really an alley just a little nook between two abandoned houses that I had been coming to for years. The entire place was closed off and quite small but big enough for a small party. The entrance was actually pretty difficult to find, so how did Adrian find it?

A quite rustling warned me of a visitor. Turning around I could see the faint outline of my sister. I sighed in relief.

"Zani," she nodded at me, "what did you want to talk about. You seemed panicked over the phone."

Biting my lip I tried to explain. "I m-met this g-guy you know, at o-one of t-those n-night clubs you used t-to go t-to and well..." I trailed off.

"Zani just spit it out." Lila said worried.

"I t-think he has b-been following m-me." I said panicked.

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