Chapter 3

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Some days possibly weeks later

~ * ~ * ~

   Darkness surrounded me and held me in it cold caress. I was floating on a sea of insanity and I could no longer see a thing. My eyes were blinded by the darkness. I did not even know the hour, the day, the week, or simply the month any longer. Time seemed to fly by and pass so very painstakingly slow at the same time. There were no windows or artificial lights. I had paced the small room so many times for fear of the men that always came but there was no where for me to hide. I could not stand the constant fear that surrounded me like a cloak, penetrating the darkness with a sick sense of hope. My body was getting weaker and weaker with each passing moment. I hardly ever got food; the pacing and other activities had tired out my body, mind and soul. So I lay on the floor, pain and fear contorting my features into a gruesome sight. My heart beat fast as rabbit and I could do nothing but stare into the darkness that had become my state of mind.

   No matter what I did I could not get Them out of my head. Every thought had been tainted with their vial presence. None of them were nice; their pleasure came before mine and they cared for none of my pleas for mercy. Every girls' wish is to have their first time with someone they love and trusted but my first time will be remembered by my sisters rape and murder followed by the taking of my own innocence by the same monsters.

   Speaking of the devils, I heard one walk through the door. "Hello little girl will you be good today?"

   I would not grace him with an answer, he did not deserve one. He disgusted me. It had nothing to do with his facial features because he was slightly attractive. I just can't stand the fact that he took part in my abduction. How could someone just stand by and watch as an innocent gets raped and then proceeds to help abduct me? I knew he was the only one that had not touched me sexually in any way but he was still perverted for helping them.

   He stepped closer and asked curiously, "Do you like being touched like that? Is that why you don't listen?"

   Disgusted I sneered at him before flipping the bird. "Stay the hell away from me you freak!" Why would anyone wanted to be violated like that?

   "Tsk, tsk, little girl, you have been here for four weeks already. You need to start your training as you're already behind."

   "WHAT?" I was astounded.

   He smirked, " Just follow me or pay the consequences."

   He turned and I heard his foot steps fading away. Panicking, I used as much strength that I could muster, managing to get to my hands and knees. I was getting dizzy and the darkness was not helping. I crawled exceedingly slow over to a wall and tried to get up. I fell a couple times but the fear of what would happen to me if I didn't comply to his wishes made me keep trying. It beat at me from all angles, making my mind go into overdrive, like a live hotwire.

   When I finally was able to keep my feet underneath me I started to walk very slowly in the direction of where I heard him walk away. A sudden burst of light blinded my eyes and I stumbled. It was the first time in four weeks since my eyes had been accustomed to any type of brightness. My eyes had not even been subjected to a stubble glare from an object from when the door was opened and closed. I shut my eyes tightly before blinking a few times. The man had caught me, laughing, before standing me upright. Squinting through the light I saw he was standing in the hallway. I stared at him confused. He was getting smaller and smaller as I stood there. Panic rushed into me like a freight train as I realized he was walking away from me. I stumbled down the hallway as I tried to chase after him. The house was lit and I could see I was still far behind.

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