Chapter 2

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Sienna's Pov

   My sister was dead. My mother, my friend, my confident, my personal protector was gone, never to be seen or heard again. I will never see her smile, her eyes twinkling in mischief, her beautiful laugh, her melodic voice, never her pretty face waking me up in the morning, or baking cookies together her. She was dead and gone.

   My life was in the hands of a madman. Nice isn't it? I don't know what's going to happen to anymore. Brandon, oh Brandon please don't miss me, I love you so so much. I don't want you to get hurt. I don't know what to do, God help me please!

   Should I call the police? Should I make a run for it? I don't even know where we are. I'm still in the van they put me in last night. I can't call the police, I can't run, I'm stuck here with these animals. I'm stuck with wearing the same clothes for three days, stuck going to the bathroom in a porta-potty for kids. Excuse me but that's just plain disgusting. This sucks majorly, I mean they can't stop to let me go to the bathroom or eat? They gave me a couple crackers and a bottle of water that was to last me the whole trip. I wish I would have known that then. What did I ever do to them? What did I ever do to deserve this? What are they going to do with me? They killed my sister, will they do the same to me? Questions were racing through my mind, pounding at my skull trying to break free.

   "Get out."

   They took me out of the car and we started walking to a baby blue pick up truck. It was the double coach one, with three seats in the back and two upfront. They made me sit in the back with two of the jerks, squashed up in between the both of them. I did not like this at all, they both looked at me with lust in their eyes. Why they made this truck so small I'll never know. The other two goons were upfront, grinning like the idiots they were. I don't know where the main dude went. He was gone as soon as I woke up. Maybe he was out for coffee or something. I hope I never have to see his ugly face again. Wait, what are the morons doing now? I don't think we were on the road for more then a half hour and we were pulling up to the house, no a castle is more like it.

    "Okay little girl if you don't want to get hurt you will do exactly as I say." A dude upfront said.

   Wow a bit rude much don't you think, I don't want to go anywhere with them. I glared at him and shook my head to let him know I understood.

   "Speak up girl, use your fu*kin' words when your spoken to!" He growled out, and I cowered at his tone. Wow is he nice.

   "Y-yeah I g-got it." I hate my stuttering, why does it always happen when I'm scared?

   "When we get out of the car, you will follow and stay in between the two men beside you. Now do you understand?" He was still glaring at me.

    "Yes," I managed to say without stuttering. Do they think I'm stupid?

   "Good, now why are you still waiting in the fucking car? Get out and don't speak." I really do not think he likes me.

   "Okay," I murmured, my eyes downcast.

   "Let's go!" Wow, these people are really nice.

   They opened the door for me as shocking as it was and stepped out of the truck. The house was beautiful, roughly six floors if I guessed correctly. There was an old school type veranda surrounding the front of the house. Huge glass windows were everywhere and surrounded by stone walls. There was a terrace and three towers, one on the east side, another on the west side and another to the north. A beautiful pond full of exotic fish, had clear water spewing from a crystal fountain was on the left. The grass was a healthy bright green, bushes lining the path to the front door, covered in luscious white roses. If I had to live here I would be in heaven... I trailed off panicking. Oh no oh no what am I thinking? This is enemy territory I will not be pulled into their trap. They just killed my sister and I'm lusting after their mansion. What kind of person am I? Tears started trickling down my cheeks. This is so embarrassing. I just want to go home and cuddle up with my sister.

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