Chapter 7

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My whole body ached, blood was still seeping through my bandages, and He made me beg for those too. My arm was broken as was a couple ribs. My legs were like jelly and multiple cuts were woven into my skin like an intricately designed quilt. My arms and thighs had bruises that were in the shape of His finger prints. My core throbbed in pain every time I moved. My breasts still had His bite marks on them as did my abdomen and neck. My back was littered with cuts that crisscrossed enough to look like one off those ugly cashmere sweaters.

I was in pain to say the least.  I did not even know how I was going to hide all of my open wounds. I looked strait ahead and frowned, there was a strange girl looking back at me. Her eyes were haunted, guarding all of her secrets. Her face hard and uncaring, and her hair was long, uncut for all of the months that reached down past her bruised waist, in waves. She had beautiful golden orbs surrounded by a black circle, showing none of the pain she felt. They were cold and unfeeling locking her soul down deep where no one could ever see it. I brought my hand up to touch the apparition in front of me. The girl copied my movements and I stood there shocked. The girl was me. The shell of what I used to be.

I knew my life before Master was not good but it wasn't bad either. I still had my sister. She was still alive and I was still innocent,  but my innocence had been taken away from me. I watched the girl in front of me change. Her eyes cane alive with anger and her eyebrows furrowed. Both her jaw and her fists were clenched tight. Before I knew what was happening, I saw her fist come flying at me. I heard the glass shatter and a sickening smell filed my nose as my life blood began to fall. I looked at my own fist, just like the girl in the now shattered mirror did the same, my skin on my hand was covered in more cuts and gashes. They were filled with shards of glass and I watched as my blood gushed out of my veins and onto the floor; the pain not registering due to shock.

“Sienna? Sienna what the fuck did you do?! There's blood everywhere! Shit, Sienna what's wrong?"

The annoying voice kept yelling at me but I ignored it. They're was a throbbing in my head. I put a hand up to my head and it came back smeared with blood. I stared at my hand in confusion as my vision blurred. The world around me began to spin as my body started to sway. My arms flew out to keep my balance but it was to late. I was falling down into the shards of glass. My consciousness was slipping deep down into a blissful darkness. Maybe this time I would actually be free.

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Sir's Pov

I was laying in bed thinking about Sienna. I haven't seen Sienna in months. She was sassy and strong willed but I missed her friendship, I think she was my only friend here. I smiled, she was strong for a girl who watched her sister die. I grimaced at the thought of what Markkuss has done to the poor girl since then. If I did not owe him my life than I would have killed that bastard along time ago. I chuckled at the thought of seeing him dead, his blood coating my skin, my knuckles split from breaking his nose. I would make his pain ten times worse than what he has done to Sienna. The thought of her put a true smile on my lips. I wonder what she is doing. I know Markkuss just left, so he won't be with her, but I didn't know if she was still in his room. Sitting up I thought of visiting her and smiled. I missed her sarcastic answers and her carefree laugh.

I got out of bed and went to go search for her, thinking about all the stuff we needed to catch up on. I shut my door and didn't even bother locking it. I had a bad ass reputation and no one would dare steal anything, let alone enter my room. The hallways were scarce, no one was ever out an about and that wasn't even weird. Not many people had clearance to be on this floor. Even less knew that this floor was in existence. It was off the sixth floor and was well hidden. Everyone thought the house ended with the attic but it didn't. There was an illusion in the wall that hides a set of stairs that leads to the seventh floor. My room and the drugs are kept up here. It was also where Markkuss trained the new girls that he sells. It's my job to make sure they stay in line, little does he know I was doing the opposite. I was trying to help them. I only needed a little more time before I could put my plan into action.

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