Chapter 8

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Sienna's POV

I turned around to face Adrian with a blank look on my face. "Explain what?" The words left my lips with a cold sense of satisfaction at seeing his irritation. "I'm not sure what you are talking about. You must be confused, would you like me to get the nurse Adrian?"

Adrian scoffed, "I'm not high Zani. Your entire body was glowing, don't lie to me."

I trailed my hand against the wall as I walked towards him. I laughed gaily and gave him a smoldering gaze. He was right in front of me now and I had to tilt my head to the side to get a good look at him. I trailed a finger up his chest and stood up onto my tippy toes before leaning into him to whisper into his ear.

Chloe's POV

Sienna turned around and said, "Explain what? I'm not what sure what you are talking about. You must be confused, would you like me to get the nurse Adrian?"

The boy Adrian did not seem to like what Sienna said. I heard rumors about the two, about how they both secretly liked each other but neither would admit it. I wonder if they are true? Adrian is sure getting mad at Sienna.

"I'm not high Zani." He practically growled out at her in exasperation, "Your entire body was glowing, don't lie to me."

Aww, he even had a nickname for her! That is so cute! Maybe they were secretly together but then why was she missing for all of those months? Suddenly, Sienna started to walk towards Adrian, trailing her fingers along the wall as she did so. I scrunched up my nose in confusion, I wonder why she did that? I glanced at Adrian and my eyebrows furrowed. His eyes were like molten lava staring at Sienna like he was under a spell. His whole body was frozen in place; caught in a witch's snare. Then Sienna blocked my view and I could not see what they were doing.

"What is going on here?" A voice said coldly from behind me.

I turned around to face whom ever had spoken but the person pushed passed me and walked towards Sienna. It was a man. A very tall and older man. I know he does not go to school here. I became very frightened but I was curious. Why was this man at our school and why is he heading straight for Sienna?

"Sienna, Goddammit I cannot leave you alone for five seconds with out you doing something stupid." The man swore frustrated.

I scooted over to one of the lockers and stuck my head out to watch the scene play out in front of me. Adrian was still frozen, Sienna was looked emotionless and the man was pacing in front of her. Who is he? The man was kind of cute. He had a strange sense of charisma about him. Maybe it is Sienna's father, I mussed, but everyone knows her father died. I frowned, I really wanted to know who this mystery man was. Even if I had to start snooping around to do it. I giggled, this will be fun.

"You didn't tell me we glow!" Sienna yelled at the man. "Now he wont move and I can feel all the freaking mundane's feelings beating down on me. Do you know how many emotions are running through my body right now? I can't even distinguish theirs from my own. So don't be swearing at me!" She said freaking out.

Sienna walked over to the other side of the hallway and slid down one of the locker. Drawing her legs up and resting her head upon her knees. I watched Sienna as she just sat there. Peeking at the other man, after a couple seconds, showed to be frivolous. He looked tired, dragging one of his hands through his hair making it look unkempt. He glanced at Adrian and up-an-down the hall way before walking towards Sienna. The man crouched down to her level and lifted her chin up with his forefinger. There's something about the two of them together. Something that just clicks, I know it does! I will figure it out what ever is between the two of them, I mussed.

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