Chapter 4

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I woke in a haze of pain. My entire body throbbed in agony. I opened my eyes to a soft silvery light but I couldn't ignore the muscle spasms. What the fu*k happened to me, I thought groaning. I sat up and yesterday came flooding back to me. I recalled all the times he threw me into the walls. Even padded they still hurt like hell.

"Oh s*it," I muttered as the blood fled from my face.

I forgot all about The Test. Looking around the bedroom, I tried to find a clock of some sort.

"Clock... Clock... Clock... where is the friggin' clock?" I muttered, irritated.

I got out of bed and tripped over something. Frustrated, I hurled the object away from me. Listening to the satisfing thunk as it hit the wall. I frowned as I heard the unexpected swoosh of something opening. I looked back startled and gasped at what I found. A panel of the wall had disappeared and various buttons took its place. A small digital clock in the corner was what caught my attention.

"5:45, just my luck. I need to be there at 6 o'clock. Guess I'm not going to be able to take a shower this morning." I muttered, annoyed.

I sighed and walked towards the closet. I don't have any clothes but I don't really want to wear the same ones again. Hoping I could at least find an article of clothing in there I closed my eyes. I had stoped in front of the door and took a deep breath. My hand poised ready to twist the knob. Opening the door I gasped. I think my mouth might have hit the ground I was so surprised. The once barren walls were now covered in rows and rows of clothing. Walking in I let my hand trail back on all the brand spanken new fabrics. It was really cool seeing all this, almost as if I was in a store just for me. I stopped in the middle and frowned. I hope they don't want me to thank them for any of this because I still despise them. Oh well, I really need a fresh set of clothes. Even if they are from my captors.

Walking farther into the closet I contemplated what I should wear. I stopped next to a glittering cotton green button up shirt. Oh this will deffinetly work now all I need are some yoga pants and I will be set to go. I walked out of the closet with my clothes and set them on my bed.

"Shoot! I forgot to look for undergarments." I said, irritated.

Well I can't really wear panties with yoga pants so I will just go with out, but I still need a bra. No, a sports bra would be even better. I headed over to the small dresser along the wall in search for just that.

I stood infront of the dresser confused. How was I supposed to open this? It looks like one of those damn Chinese puzzle boxes. The intricate design was amazing but damn did I know what it meant. I turned my head over to the wall with the clock. Shifting my eyes I read the time.

I felt the blood drain from my face as my mind registered the fact I was going to be late. I hit the dresser in frustration. I stepped back in surprise as it started shaking. I felt the floor moving and I could see that my whole room was shaking. Fear clouded my vision and I stepped back nervous. Oh Gods, I hope this is not an earthquake.

As soon as it started it stopped. I looked around scared of what I just witnessed. What the hell just happened? Nothing looked different but the dresser looked as if it was about to fall forward.

"Good morning! You must be new Miss. What is your name?" (By the way, I know this sounds weird but it'll be explained later in the story)

Shocked I looked around to pin point the location of the mysterious voice. "Miss what are you doing? I am over here. Do not look alarmed Miss. No one will hurt you. This is a house of honour and respect."

It sounded as if it was coming from behind the dresser. "Where are you? Are you stuck behind that dresser?"

"Good gracious, no child! I AM the dresser. YOU woke me up when you hit me. Ahh it does feels refreshing to be able to talk again. So please tell me what your name is Miss, I haven't had a companion in a good while." (Think of Zelda and the Phantom Hourglass, when Link hits them stone statue thingies and they give him hints on the game, lol if you have played the game that is)

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