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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while but I should have the next chapter up in about a week. In that time I have decided to upload some floor plans for Sienna's room or her own little house as she calls it. I've changed the storyline a little bit so if you don't want to read a very long story then you might want to stop now but I hope you don't :( I need all the reads I can get! Btw that reminds me can you guys please comment more on my story for the entire story I have only 44 comments :( and most are my responses. Or if you don't want to comment as least vote? Pretty please with a cherry on top? So in a bit I'll upload some pictures they're not real amazing but it should give you an insight on what her room really looks like. And if there is anything else you guys want to see just Comment! lol see what I did there soo that's it for now just yeah whatever maybe reread the book again sense its been a while.... but yeah I don't think I have anything else important to say .... or do I lol bye, Adios have a nice life enjoy!! Wait don't forget to comment vote and maybe follow?!?

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