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I requested this Sun boi man. 🛐🛐

For This Oneshot :

You are Y/n L/n who was dared to stay overnight at the pizzaplex by your "Friends" and I put this in quotes because they sadly don't treat you that great, but you're afraid to cut them off because then you'll have no one. You had no other friends, and your parents weren't really in the picture either because they've just always hated you. In your adventures you meet an animatronic who's a lovely ball of sunshine, coincidently his name being sun. Okay I'll stop spoiling; you'll shall find out the rest yourself. Enjoy friend! ;)  f/1 = friend 1. f/2 = friend 2, etc.

There I stood in front of the large building, 'The Pizzaplex.' My friends grouped together behind me, whispering to each other and an occasional laugh could be heard. "You gonna do it or what Y/n? Or are you too much of a scaredy cat?" f/1 mocked. I turned to look back at my 'friends'. "I am not a scaredy cat!" I defended, staring daggers at f/1. "Then go! come on they're about to close!" f/2 hurriedly said. I let out a shaky breath and walked closer to the entrance of the building.

I stopped and took a deep breath only for f/2 to push me inside the building. "Hey!" I snapped, pushing myself off the ground looking back at f/2. "Let's hope those rumors are true and you go missing." f/2 scoffed looking down at me through the entrance door. "What...?" I muttered confused at their statement. "Honestly did you really think we wanted to be friends with you? You're a nobody Y/n, no one would even realize you're gone... which is why we dared you to do this." They explained, laughing at my weak state. f/1 stood beside f/2. "And now, we never have to deal with your annoying ass again. Have fun probably dying Y/n..."

I got up quickly and dashed towards the door. "N-NO PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME HERE." (That sounds suspiciously familiar...) I begged but they pushed me back inside and the shutter door closed and blocked my only exit. I banged on shutter door, crying and yelling for them to get me out, but an announcement sounded letting me know I couldn't leave any time soon.

"Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex is now closed. Initiating nighttime protocols." The announcement echoed throughout the pizzaplex. I sighed, shakily wiping the tears from my eyes. I stood up and started looking around the building, seeing as I had nothing else to do. Entering one of the rooms, I found a weird daycare pass thingy on the floor beside a pass dispensing machine, it had a weird but kind of cool, sun character on the left, and a creepy, and unsettling moon character on the right. "Weird... why was this just on the floor?" I muttered to myself fiddling with the small card walking to the area where it was supposed to be used.

Using the card, I found I entered the daycare area. The first thing I see upon entering being a large statue. It was a statue of the characters I saw on the card, standing back-to-back. "Why do they make them look so creepy..." Both animatronics had a creepy everlasting smiled carved into their faces. I shivered staring at the creepy statue. Ripping my gaze away from the statue my eyes traveled over to a slide that led into the actual daycare. I walked over to it debating whether to slide down it or not.

"Slide into fun, huh... maybe I will." I decided as I read the sign above the slide. Taking a deep breath, I slid down the slide and landed into a large ball pit. I pushed through the pool of plastics balls muttering to myself about the unsanitariness of it. "HO, HO, HO!" A loud, robotic voice spoke from above. I look up to see that sun animatronic on a balcony, the animatronic swan dived off the balcony and into the ball pit I was in. "Oh fuck no..."

I swam towards the exit of the ball pit. I let out a yelp of fear as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me out of the ball pit. The sun animatronic twirled me around excitedly, making me dizzy. "Oooo! Hellooooo! NEW FRIEND! You're sure up late! Are we having a slumber party? Where are all of your friends?" The animatronic yelled enthusiastically. My expression saddened upon hearing him ask about my friends. The animatronics permanent smile seemed to falter after reading my expression. He put me down and crouched down to my level. "Oh, my sorry friend was it something I said? I'm sorry." He apologized worriedly. "No, it's okay. It's just uh, my 'friends' left me here to die basically. They never liked me, and they heard the rumors of people going missing in this place and dared me to stay the night... I was going to back out of the dare but they pushed me inside and the doors locked behind me."

He looked at me pitifully and pulled me into a comforting hug. "That's awful! Who would ever do that! Your too nice to be bullied like that!" He spoke loudly. "Heh thanks... uhm. What's your name?" I asked embarrassed. "Oh it's Sundrop! Feel free to call me nicknames like sunny, or sun. I absolutely ADORE nicknames! ANYWAY... what's your name sunshine?" Wow he really does love nicknames... "It's Y/n..." I muttered shyly. "WOW! Such a pretty name! Y/n... Do you wanna go play with me? We can fingerpaint, tell stories, drink Fizzy Faz till our heads EXPLODE! And stay up all night!" He exclaimed playfully. I laughed at his childlike behavior. "Sure sunny. I'd love to."


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