42 4 15

Requested by BiHopelessRomantic
(B e s t i e Y a s) 😈🤝👹
Just some good old Darkiplier fluff.
(MY MANS!) 💃🕺 🛐🛐🛐

For This Oneshot :
Snow day? More like snow gay- *gets hit with a snowball* OW! damn-... sorry I'll stop. 🥲 You and Darkiplier stay inside on a snow day and hangout together having cocoa and watching movies! Also, the reader will have glasses cuz why not. VARIETY THAT'S WHY!!!!

I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes groggily. I got up from my bed and towards my dresser. I grabbed my glasses and some clothes and changed. After changing I walked over to my window and opened the curtain to look outside. "It's snowing pretty bad today... I guess I'll be staying inside." I sighed closing the curtain. I mean it's not that I don't like snow, but it was pretty bad outside so I couldn't go play and mess around in the snow. I walked into the living room to see Dark sitting on the couch reading a book in front of the fireplace like usual. "Hey Dark." Dark closed his book and turned to look at me.

"Good morning darling, here, come sit with me." He insisted motioning me to come over to the couch. I smiled, walking over to the couch, I sat down beside him. Dark continued to read his book wrapping one of his arms loosely around my waist. "Any plans today Y/n?" Dark asked. I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "In this weather? I plan to stay inside today, and just... relax I guess." Dark laughed closing his book again. "Then, how about I make us some hot cocoa and we can watch whatever you'd like on the Tv." He suggested, putting his book on the coffee table in front of us. "That sounds amazing, my love~." Dark blushed a bit and stood up from the couch.

He went over into the kitchen and started to make the hot cocoa. I turned on the Tv and put on (Favorite Show/Movie) for me and Dark to watch. Dark came back into the living room with our drinks. Placing the cups of cocoa on the coffee table Dark sat back down on the couch beside me. "Seems we are needing one last thing." Dark smiled. He snapped his fingers and a blanket appeared wrapped around the two of us.

Dark pulled me close to him, and wrapped his arms around my waist, and cuddled into me. "Perfect..." I giggled at Darks clingy behavior, finding it adorable. I rested my head on Dark's shoulder and cuddled him back. We turned our attention towards the Tv and watched the show/movie together. "This is the best snow day ever..." Dark smiled at my comment. "I couldn't agree more Darling." I turned my head to look up at Dark. "Hey Dark?" Dark met my gaze softly. "Yes my love...?" He spoke softly looking into my e/c eyes. "I love you." Dark smiled and kissed my lips softly. "I love you too darling..."

I hope you found this oneshot enjoyable my dear friend. I'm sorry if it doesn't meet all your standards, but I actually like how this one turned out. Thank you for reading dear reader. 🛐🛐🛐

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