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I walked into my room at the avengers compound lazily, tired and stressed from a long day of work. My job was with the avengers, I worked in the shadows getting information for them before they actually set on their mission, but today was different. I was so close to getting caught it had never happened before. Luckily Natasha was there with me that time, so we were able to get out of there before they suspected anything. It made me blush, just the thought of her doing something so simple for me. Whether it be handing me something I dropped, or even just talking to me. I've been wanting to tell her how I feel for so long. I decided that tonight was the night, I was going to go to her room and tell her how I feel. 

Taking a deep breath, I swallowed the nervous lump in my throat and got up from my bed. I walked down the hallway, my heart pounding out of my chest as I approached her door. Gathering up all the courage I could, I lifted up my hand and knocked on her door softly. "One sec!" I heard Natasha say from behind the door, her voice sounding honeyed and beautiful. I blushed when she opened the door, she had only her bra and some sweatpants on. "U-uhm hi Tasha I was wondering if I could talk to you?" I stuttered shyly. Natasha laughed, and nodded moving to the side to let me in. I sat down on her bed, looking down and playing with hands. She sat down on her bed next to me and put her hand on my shoulder. 

"What did you need to talk about N/n?" She spoke soothingly her breath against my ear. I turned to look at her, her beautiful emerald eyes stared back at my e/c ones. "I- I..." Tasha chuckled softly; she grabbed my chin making sure I couldn't look away. "It's about your little crush on me... isn't it darling~?" My eyes widened as my face flushed with embarrassment. "How did you know...?" She smiled down at me. "It was very easy to tell. You can barely function whenever your around me." Her hand moved from my shoulder to around my waist, squeezing it lovingly. "But don't worry Y/n I actually feel the same, I just wanted you to say it first..." She said pulling me closer to her, our lips almost touching. "So, what do you say...? Will you be mine darling?" Tasha begged lovingly. I nodded almost immediately after she said that, but she shook her head. "Words, my love." "Yes..." I agreed breathlessly. She smiled, leaning down and locking her lips with my mine. Her tongue traced my bottom lip begging for entree, and I let in right in. Our tongues danced and intertwined with each other, becoming more and more passionate as our tongues fought for dominance. 

She pushed me down against her bed and broke the kiss. Natasha got on top of me and straddled me, she lifted up my shirt off my body and threw to the side. She stared down at my chest lustfully, her hand trailing my chest and side carefully. Her arms went behind my back, and she unhooked my bra, pulling it off me smoothly she threw it to the side as she did with my shirt before. She put her hands on my boobs massaging them softly, making a soft moan exit from my lips. Natasha smiled, leaning down and connecting her lips to my neck. I moaned loudly as she kissed and sucked at my neck lovingly, leaving hickeys and love bites in her wake. Her kisses trailed lower and lower down my chest until she stopped at my right breast. 

She laughed softly as she started circling my tit with her tongue. Her name left my lips in a moan of ecstasy. She went faster, moving her other hand to my left breast and massaging it lovingly and she licked and sucked at my right breast. It caused me to moan louder, her pleasurably mouth and hands being almost to much for me. Then she switched sides and repeated the process on my left tit with her hand now on the right breast. Moans of ecstasy and pleasure escaped my mouth. After a few minutes she left one final kiss on my breast and lifted herself off my chest. She scooted her self off the bed, now standing in front of my legs. Her hands trailed down to the rims of my pants, grabbing them softly she looked up at me. "May I...?" She asked softly her grip loosening slightly on the rims of my pants. "Please..." She smiled and continued to fully take my pants off and throwing them behind her blindly. She stared at my underwear. Tasha laughed softly staring down at me. "Already wet my love...? How impatient you are~." She teased grabbing at my underwear and pulling them off effortlessly and throwing them to the side. She leaned down and connected her her mouth to my entrance. I moaned out her name loudly in pleasure as she ate my out. Her tongue circled my clit passionately as she began to thrust her finger into my pussy. 

I began to scream loudly filled with immeasurable pain and pleasure. "Your doing so good darling~." Tasha moaned into as continued to lick my clit. She stuck another finger into my entrance and began to thrust faster. I could feel myself reach my climax. "Tasha~~ Im going to-..." Natasha cut me off taking her mouth off my pussy and adding a third finger. "I know my love~. Your such a good girl~..." She praised going thrusting her fingers into me faster. I moaned her name loudly as I came onto her fingers. My body shook as she rode out the rest of my climax her fingers. Once I finished my reeled back falling back against the bed. Natasha smiled down at me taking her fingers out of my pussy she licked and sucked her fingers lustfully. "You taste so good darling~... Now lets get you cleaned up." She praised going over to my side and picking me up bridal style. I nodded tiredly at her as she brought me into the bathroom and laid me down in the tub. After giving me a lovely warm bath, I changed into new clothes and she carried me back into her bed. She got in next to and pulled me by my waist against her to cuddle. "I love you Y/n." I closed my eyes smiling happily. "I love you too Natasha."

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