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I requested this demented bunny, FNAF reject.
Have fun reading my fucked up fantasies! 🥲👍
Probably gonna be a long one... 🥱❤️🛐

For This Oneshot :
You, my poor friend are getting your ass chased by three FNAF rejects. Penny the Chicken, Hangry the Pig, and Lucky the Rabbit. Of course they're doing it for a reason of course. You, Y/n L/n are gathering pieces of some ring, for a whiny bitch named Bierce who say's it can get you anything you want, and Malak doesn't like that since he owns the ring, and so he's had you chased down several times and all that shit, but this time when he sent his monsters out to get you. You were Noticed, and not by Malak.

"Ready for another nightmare...?" Bierce asked me impatiently as I walked out the portal, ring piece in hand. I scoffed at her as I pointed to a serious wound on my leg. "Does it look like I'm ready for another nightmare?!" The woman rolled eyes at me as she crossed her arms. "Oh walk it off... you can't die in this realm anyway." After putting the piece in the ring alter. "Still hurts..." I muttered under my breath as I limped towards the new portal that was about to open. The portal opened, and it had a picture of shadowed animatronic rabbit embedded in it.

"Jeez I have to deal with cute FNAF rejects now?" I complained to Bierce. "Yes Y/n. Now get going!" Bierce commanded pushing me through the portal. I landed on the floor of the same red hallway in ever portal. I stood eyeing the camera in hallway. "Malak thinks he clever... putting up a camera to stop you from getting past. Does he think I can't make you invisible, or the size a cockroach, or an actual cockroach if I so desire?!" Bierce complained telepathically speaking to me because like a hermit, she wont leave her ballroom. "Come to the ring alter." I walked back into the ballroom and Bierce granted me with the power of invisibility.

Using my new found ability, I easily slipped pass the camera and into the next portal at the end of the hallway. Walking out of portal I look around at my new environment. I was in a large abandoned amusement park. "Wow FNAF rejects got it bad huh." I laughed to myself. There was a giant castle with a moat around it that sat in the middle of the park. I walked towards the castle and looked around for where I might have to go to find the soul shards. 'Looks like I can go left or right. I should probably check both ways... hmm, let's go left first.' I thought to myself as I headed to the left. On the left of the castle there was large part of the wall surrounding the castle's moat that was broken off. It looked like someone ran a wrecking ball through it.

"What the-..." I picked up a note of the wall. Apparently someone came here before me and while getting attacked one of the monsters in this realm had broken the wall with a single punch. 'Fuck I'm in trouble...' I Sighed knowing Bierce wasn't gonna let me outta here without that stupid ring piece. I traveled to the right side of the castle where a camera was conveniently stationed outside of a hallway. 'Yeah... I'm not falling for that.' I thought to myself as I became invisible and walked through the hallway. But before I could exit the hallway the door closed in front of me and window opened to my right. I looked through the window and saw two animatronics, a Rabbit, and a... Chicken? Duck? They both stared daggers at me. The bunny's expression softened and he began to speak.

"Hey buddy! I'm Lucky the Rabbit!" Lucky yelled with glee, as I stared at him suspiciously. "Lucky..? What kinda name is that..." I muttered under my breath. The Rabbit's expression faltered, but he kept the act up. "And this... is my good friend Penny the Chicken." Lucky explained 'excitedly'. "Hiii!" Penny stated happily, waving at me. I crossed my arms not believing their act.  "And were both members of the Joy Joy Gang. What about you are you ready to become, one of the joyful?!" He asked a hint of insanity lingering in his voice. "I'll pass, FNAF reject." Lucky's eye twitched in anger at every one of your insults, you were starting to piss him. And so he decided to just drop the 'joyful' act. "Your going to regret insulting me like that." The animatronic threatened slamming his hand's against the window separating him from me. I let out yelp of fear and surprise backing away from the window.

"Not so high and mighty now~, are ya doll? Now why don't you start running... I'd love a game of cat and mouse~." The rabbit laughed insanely as the door to my right finally opened allowing me to walk 'more so run' out into the park area. Using my speed boost ability, I sprinted out of the hallway and into the park. I was collecting the soul shards as fast as I could, it proved quite hard with the FNAF rejects chasing me 24/7. Sure I could turn invisible but the ability didn't last forever. I ran Into penny several times but that chicken wasn't too good at listening so all I had to do was hide behind a pillar from her. Penny left and I got out from behind the pillar. I heard Lucky speak. "Where are you!" Lucky yelled in anger. 'Shit he's close by!' Being quiet and hiding may have worked for penny but dealing with Lucky was a different story. His hearing was great like a dogs, and he also had the speed boost ability. The only way to get away from him was use my to speed boost.

I turned the corner hoping it was the opposite direction of Lucky but I ran right into Lucky's line of sight. "There you are~! I guess I really am lucky!" He chuckled running towards you. 'Fuck!' You sprinted away from the crazed rabbit, but the rabbit speed boosted towards you. 'Shit my speed boost isn't recharged!' I tried to run away but Lucky tackled me to the ground and pinned me by the neck to the floor as he straddled my body. I blushed at our position. I shook away my feelings and tried kicking at the rabbit animatronic but I couldn't get him off me. "That won't work hun..." I starred daggers at Lucky remembering my stun ability. "Yeah... but this will."I stunned the rabbit and was able to kick him off of me. I got up quickly and made a run for it. "Shit! Penny grab her!" Penny grabbed me before I could run away again and pinned to the floor as Lucky did before. I struggled against her grasp kicking and screaming at her to let me go. Lucky walked over to me clapping slowly.

"Ooo so close Y/n. But it's better this way. Penny hand her to me." Penny lifted me off the ground and handed me to Lucky. I writhed in his harsh robotic grasp. "LET GO ASSHOLE!" Lucky chuckled at my behavior, his grip tightening around me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you hun." I let a yelp of pain, but continued to struggle in his grasp. Lucky sighed and threw me over his shoulder. He carried me back to the castle and brought me inside. He carried me to a plain room which I assumed was his room, and he laid me down on his bed. "Just so you know, I'm not gonna give you to Malak." I looked at him confused. "Wait you aren't?" I questioned. "Every since I first noticed you enter this realm, I couldn't take my eyes off you. I won't let that demon Malak have you. Your all mine hun~..." He confessed before lifting me up into a hug and burying his head into the crook of my neck. "And I won't ever let you go." I blushed madly and relaxed in his hold. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I thought to myself. 'Maybe this isn't so bad...'

I dont know why but I feel like this oneshot is not good I'm sorry. Also I didn't spell check it at all so sorry again.

Fuck you I spell checked it anywayyyy.

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