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For This Oneshot : You're a mechanic. Idk my brain is gone like the wind rn. HE'S HOT AND THAT'S ALL MY BRAIN CAN THINK OF LMAO.

I sat in front of the stage in the main atrium of the pizza plex. I had to make sure nothing went wrong with Freddy and his band while they performed. A voice sounded from my walkie talkie. "Y/n!" I groaned loudly at the familiar voice as I grabbed the radio off my waist band. "What is it Vanessa?" "FINALLY, I been trying to get a hold of you for... well forever! I need you in the daycare. Someone smashed in the breaker box..."

I sighed getting up from my table and making my way to the daycare. Vanessa continued rambling over the radio to me until I finally made it to The Superstar Daycare. "Alright Nessa shut it I made it to the daycare; we'll talk later." After saying our goodbyes, I shut off my radio, and entered the daycare. I turned on my flashlight and walked behind the worker's desk over to the breaker box. It was completely smashed inwards. "What the-... how do they expect me to fix this?!" I huffed angrily opening the breaker box carefully. The wires were all tangled up and intertwined together. 'Whoever did this obviously doesn't want the lights back on."

Almost on cue a pair of red glowing eyes lit up the wall in front of me. I turned around to see a 9ft tall animatronic staring at me intently. I sighed. "You did this didn't you...?" I asked moon, crossing my arms at him. Moon crouched down to my level, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Now why would I ever do that...?" I facepalmed, disappointed at moons selfish actions. "You can't keep breaking shit just to see me!" Moon stared at me sadly. "I don't know what you're talking about..." Moon muttered looking away from me. I sighed and went back to fixing the breaker box. "Can't we just leave the lights off a little longer starlight?" Moon begged sitting on the desk behind me. "No moon."

Moon frowned, getting off the table he walked over to me and lifted me up from behind. "Moon!" "Shh my starlight~. Just a little while longer... please?" He carried me into the play structures and sat down criss cross style with me in his lap. He buried his head into the crevice of my neck nuzzling me softly. I sighed finally giving into moon's selfish antics. "Fine... but only for a lil while moony..."

Aww how cute. I have no bitches... 😳😅🥲

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