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This was a writing challenge with my friends. This is my character I was given Eddie Munson.
It was my first day at Hawkins High School I had just moved here from (Idgaf). I wandered the halls nervously as I didn't know anyone here. I was trying to find my first class and I had not a single clue of where it could be. I jumped slightly as the bell started ringing, signaling that class had begun. "Shit..." I muttered under my breath, squeezing through the flood of students trying to quickly find my class.

But then I had ran into someone, and of course fell into them. He caught me before I could fall further though. I glanced up at him, staring into his deep brown eyes. He had long black hair and looked like had just come from a metal concert. "Hey are you okay...?" He asked concerned. "Oh yeah sorry, I'm just tryna find my class... I'm new."

He nodded letting go of me and I stepped back slightly. "So your the new kid? Well who's your first class?" He smiled down at me curiously. "It's uhm (teacher name), do you know where that is...?" His smiled widened. "Yeah! Looks like your first class is with me, cmon follow me!" He grabbed my hand excitedly and started walking me towards our class. "By the way do you like DnD? I'd love to play it with you sometime." I smiled up at him and nodded. Looks like being the new kid wouldn't be so bad after all.

Sorry It's Very Short 🤷🏻‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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